Coin Informatie

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Bitcoin (BRC20)
Ticker icon Ticker: $PIGGY
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



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Coin Aanbod

Circ icon Circ.: 21 000 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Totaal: 21 000 000
Max icon Max: 21 000 000

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PIGGED•BY•PIGGY Prijsgrafiek

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PIGGED•BY•PIGGY (ticker: $PIGGY) is a unique meme coin that brings a playful and light-hearted approach to the world of cryptocurrency. It embodies the spirit of fun and chaos through its whimsical character, Piggy, who is celebrated for his antics of cutting off and replacing noses. This concept allows participants to engage in a participatory experience that fosters community and creativity. The mission behind PIGGED•BY•PIGGY is not just to entertain but also to invite users to join in and collect “noses” together, creating a sense of belonging among enthusiasts.

The process associated with PIGGED•BY•PIGGY is designed to engage its users in a step-by-step adventure. It starts with the first step of “cutting the nose,” followed by the exciting “nose surgery” phase, where users can visualize getting a completely new nose. The final touch is to “get the drip,” adding finishing touches to the experience. This interactive model not only amplifies the entertainment value but also transforms a simple coin into an engaging activity that encourages sharing and social interaction within platforms like Telegram and Twitter.

PIGGED•BY•PIGGY captures the essence of the meme culture within the cryptocurrency landscape by celebrating individuality and expression. Its playful narrative positions it as a charming alternative among more conventional coins, appealing primarily to those looking for a community-oriented experience rather than financial gains. The testimonials from users reveal that the whimsical nature of Piggy’s adventures resonates well with the participants, highlighting the memorable and comedic moments that contribute to the coin’s charm and enduring appeal.

Veelgestelde vragen

We hebben momenteel geen prijsinformatie van PIGGED•BY•PIGGY $PIGGY beschikbaar.
Het circulerende aanbod van PIGGED•BY•PIGGY is 21000000.
Het totale aanbod van PIGGED•BY•PIGGY is 21000000.
Het maximale aanbod van PIGGED•BY•PIGGY is 21000000.
Helaas is het land van PIGGED•BY•PIGGY onbekend.
PIGGED•BY•PIGGY is a token running on the Bitcoin (BRC20) blockchain.
The contract address of PIGGED•BY•PIGGY is 847192:2336.

Github-statistieken (Development)

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