Coin Informatie

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Cardano
Ticker icon Ticker: TITAN
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



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Coin Aanbod

Circ icon Circ.: 26 400 000(66%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Totaal: 40 000 000
Max icon Max: 40 000 000

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TITAN Prijsgrafiek

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TITAN (TITAN) is a coin that seeks to redefine the realm of digital collectibles by integrating art, gamification, and passive rewards. By focusing on various innovative mechanisms, TITAN aims to attract users beyond the traditional NFT sphere, fostering a vibrant community. This community-centric approach emphasizes collaboration among like-minded individuals, creating a unique environment that encourages participation and engagement within its ecosystem.

The project is founded on four core elements: Art, Community, Team, and Utility. These principles are designed to drive the success of TITAN and provide opportunities for users to benefit from diverse revenue streams. Holders have the chance to earn from multiple sources, including mining revenue, staking points, royalty points, and partnerships such as Iagon. This multifaceted strategy ensures that holders receive substantial rewards just for being part of the TITAN community.

Within the TITAN ecosystem, various Houses provide users with distinctive avenues for engagement and rewards. Each House, such as the House of Wisdom, the House of Apollo, and the House of Atlas, offers unique themes and benefits, allowing participants to choose their path and enhance their earning potential. By combining gamification with artistic expression and community values, TITAN aspires to create a rich, interconnected universe where members can thrive and reap the benefits of their involvement.

Veelgestelde vragen

We hebben momenteel geen prijsinformatie van TITAN TITAN beschikbaar.
Het circulerende aanbod van TITAN is 26400000.
Het totale aanbod van TITAN is 40000000.
Het maximale aanbod van TITAN is 40000000.
Helaas is het land van TITAN onbekend.
TITAN is a token running on the Cardano blockchain.
The contract address of TITAN is 8483844875ce4d61c2aa459240f277d32081ee08fe0ad16899a0f581.

Github-statistieken (Development)

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