100 (CIX100)

CryptoIndex (INDX)

Coin Informatie

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: INDX
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Bedrijf: Onemore LLC
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:
Old name icon Oude naam: 100



Volledig verwaterde waardering

$202 437

Coin Aanbod

Total icon Totaal: 270 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 500 000 000

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Over CryptoIndex

CryptoIndex is a Web3 platform enabling the creation and trading of tokenized crypto-indexes — essentially allowing anyone (from retail to institutional players) to create or invest in baskets of cryptocurrencies. These baskets, referred to as indexes, reduce user exposure to the volatility of individual tokens while harnessing the collective upside potential. Drawing parallels with traditional finance (e.g., S&P 500, NASDAQ), CryptoIndex aims to replicate the convenience and risk-management benefits of index investing for a highly dynamic crypto market.

Key features & use-cases:

• High Demand for Simplicity  

Many investors find crypto overly complex, with thousands of tokens each requiring individual analysis. Index-based solutions solve this.

• DeFi Evolution  

The DeFi market reached ~$100B+ in TVL at its peak, but index-focused solutions remain a small fraction of that. CryptoIndex targets this underexplored niche.

• Hold-to-Earn Model  

Index token holders share in the platform’s fee revenue, creating a compelling incentive for long-term participation.

• Deflationary $INDX  

A monthly Buyback & Burn mechanism further benefits token value appreciation over time, aligning with user interests.

Veelgestelde vragen

De huidige prijs van CryptoIndex INDX is 0.000749765 USD.
The circulating supply of CryptoIndex is unknown
Het totale aanbod van CryptoIndex is 270000000.
Het maximale aanbod van CryptoIndex is 1500000000.
CryptoIndex is gevestigd in: St. Vincent & Grenadines.
CryptoIndex is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
CryptoIndex bereikte een all-time-high van 0 USD op 1 Jan 1970.
The contract address of CryptoIndex is 0xa45cb4035B6268F43e137d67D67dDFEda3931D71.

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