Dibcoin (DIBC)

Dibcoin (DIBC)

Coin Informatie

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Omni
Ticker icon Ticker: DIBC
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



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Coin Aanbod

Circ icon Circ.: 5 000 000Question Mark Icon

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Over Dibcoin

Dibcoin (DIBC) is a tokenized digital security that aims to create a tokenized economy. The objective of Dibcoin is to distribute dividends, share profits, pay interest, and invest in other tokens and assets to generate profits for DIBC token shareholders. It can be used as a substitute for dollars to purchase real-world assets.

Dibcoin is a means of making business transactions and is based on the OMNI protocol. It is an encrypted currency that allows individuals to own profitable businesses. Dibcoin serves as a cryptocurrency that acts as a Security Blockchain Token. It represents physical certificates, stocks, assets, or property.

For secure storage, it is recommended to use a decentralized wallet like OMNI wallet. This provides the safest option for Dibcoin holders while the DibcoinV2 swap is halted during the trademark trial.

Veelgestelde vragen

De huidige prijs van Dibcoin DIBC is 0.00107192 USD.
Het circulerende aanbod van Dibcoin is 5000000.
Het totale aanbod van Dibcoin is onbekend.
Het maximale aanbod van Dibcoin is onbekend.
Helaas is het land van Dibcoin onbekend.
Dibcoin is a token running on the Omni blockchain.
Dibcoin bereikte een all-time-high van 1.19116 USD op 20 Apr 2017.
The contract address of Dibcoin is 89.

Github-statistieken (Development)

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