Coin Informatie

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Solana
Ticker icon Ticker: GUESS
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Bedrijf: GuessIT
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



Volledig verwaterde waardering

Coin Aanbod

Circ icon Circ.: 999 999 451(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Totaal: 1 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

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Over GuessIT

GUESSIT is an exciting, community-driven game where players buy credits to guess a numeric code. The goal? Crack the safe and win the ever-growing prize pool! Every attempt grows the pot and raises the stakes. But there’s more: an interactive AI Agent guards the safe, securely generates the code, and helps players strategize without revealing the solution. This isn’t just a game—it’s a social phenomenon where players come together to share tips, analyze guesses, and compete for glory.

Veelgestelde vragen

We hebben momenteel geen prijsinformatie van GuessIT GUESS beschikbaar.
Het circulerende aanbod van GuessIT is 999999451.
Het totale aanbod van GuessIT is 1000000000.
Het maximale aanbod van GuessIT is 1000000000.
GuessIT is een gedecentraliseerde coin.
GuessIT is a token running on the Solana blockchain.
The contract address of GuessIT is 9PHyv24rtL8RKSnsniZ3G5WwKrChCiDAuMvW3earGr9g.

Github-statistieken (Development)

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