Lottery Inu (LOTINU)

Lottery Inu (LOTINU)

Coin Informatie

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: LOTINU
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



Volledig verwaterde waardering

Coin Aanbod

Circ icon Circ.: 77 054 004 778(77%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Totaal: 100 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000 000

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Over Lottery Inu

“LOTINU is a decentralized PvP lottery platform built on Binance Smart Chain, designed to provide a fair, transparent, and engaging experience. Players compete directly, with rewards distributed instantly via smart contracts. The platform promotes sustainability through liquidity building, buybacks, and profit sharing with top holders. LOTINU’s utility token, $LOTINU, powers ticket purchases, governance participation, and staking opportunities, fostering a secure and community-driven ecosystem.”

Veelgestelde vragen

We hebben momenteel geen prijsinformatie van Lottery Inu LOTINU beschikbaar.
Het circulerende aanbod van Lottery Inu is 77054004778.2.
Het totale aanbod van Lottery Inu is 100000000000.
Het maximale aanbod van Lottery Inu is 100000000000.
Lottery Inu is een gedecentraliseerde coin.
Lottery Inu is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
The contract address of Lottery Inu is 0x597eeaf9ee81411734e64eb5053339d145f7c0f1.

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