Crypto, Inc
All-in-one cryptocurrency app with a focus on privacy and intuitive design.

Cryptocurrency Tracker:
Real-time prices for cryptocurrencies with interactive charts and indicators.

Portfolio Overview:
Manual entries or automatic import from wallets and exchanges.

Crypto News:
Cryptocurrency news section with customizable widgets.

Complete Privacy:
No tracking or analytics solutions used. All user data is private.

Available on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Sync Data:
Data synchronization across all devices via iCloud. Meer weten over Crypto Pro

eTracker offers you the simplicity and functionality of your portfolio in your hand and with one click. No signs, no warnings, no ads. It simply monitors your wallets, tokens and total values ​​automatically.

➠ Download from PlayStore: eTracker Android App

Highlights of eTracker

✓ Unlimited Portfolios: You can add as many portfolios as you have and create a portfolio of each one. Simply type in your wallet address, select your blockchain and eTrackerAPP will take care of the rest.

✓ Automatic wallets synch.: eTrackerApp automatically adds all your tokens to your portfolio. With just one click you can synch and reload the content of your wallet or, if you need, delete it. You can also assign a name to each portfolio to facilitate its administration.

✓ 100% Safe & Free: Is not necessary to use API keys or private keys. eTrackerAPP works only with the PUBLIC address of your wallet.

✓ Token prices & Wallet value:eTracker APP updates the price of the tokens every 2 minutes through the connection to different websites and Exchanges. In this way, eTrackerAPP can offer you the updated value of each of your portfolios so that you can monitor your investments.

Over 20 Blockchains (and assets) supported

Meer weten over eTracker
Dema Trading B.V. offers managed crypto portfolios to exchanges, brokers, crypto apps, and asset managers. The portfolio infrastructure is plug-and-play and helps to increase trading volume & user protection. We take care of everything related to trading, tracking & reporting so you can focus on your business.

Meer weten over
Coinigy Inc.

Coinigy provides a unified, all-encompassing access point for cryptocurrency-related data. With real-time feeds of market metrics and blockchain data, it’s a one-stop-shop for any developer to build his or her own platform. The Coinigy trading platform is the trading tool of choice for over 45,000 traders around the world. Banks and financial platforms interested in cryptocurrency can tap into this vast resource with access to the types of tools and data they’ve come to expect from traditional markets.

Meer weten over Coinigy
Opus Labs NV
Opus Labs NV
Delta, part of eToro, is the ultimate crypto portfolio tracker app with over 1.5M installs.

App features:

Live Prices

Get the live prices from more than 5000 coins, and get extra info about volume per exchange on the requested pairs.

Historical Data

Historical data from any coin and exchange per minute, hour and day.

News & Directs

Get access to Token Team Directs from 500+ token teams as well as articles from major crypto news providers that Delta has selected. Meer weten over Delta

Coin Ledger, Inc.

"The easiest and most reliable Cryptocurrency Tax Software. Get your crypto taxes done in minutes."

Meer weten over CryptoTrader.Tax

"Manage Your Entire Crypto Portfolio In One Place

Link all your exchanges and wallets to easily manage your assets. Trade with ease, track your performance, and analyse the market."

Meer weten over Shrimpy

"Your home to web3

Manage your entire web3 portfolio from DeFi to NFTs and whatever comes next. Invest in the latest opportunities from one convenient place."

Meer weten over Zapper

"Zerion is the easiest, safest place to invest in decentralized finance."

Meer weten over Zerion
Over Portfolio Tracking?
Het volgen van de performance van uw portefeuille en het maken van geïnformeerde beslissingen is de sleutel tot succesvol beleggen, en de beste crypto portfolio tracking apps kunnen u daarbij helpen. Crypto portfolio tracking software en diensten zijn steeds populairder geworden in de afgelopen jaren als mensen kijken om te investeren in cryptocurrencies en aandelen. Met deze apps kunt u gemakkelijk uw crypto-activa, aandelen en andere investeringen op één handige plaats volgen, zodat u gemakkelijk beslissingen en aanpassingen aan uw portefeuille kunt maken. Bovendien bieden deze apps inzicht in de prestaties van uw portefeuille en kunnen ze u helpen betere beslissingen te nemen als het gaat om beleggen. U vindt de beschikbare apps en diensten voor het bijhouden van uw portefeuille in deze lijst.

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