Ape Escape (ESCAPE)

Ape Escape (ESCAPE)


Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: ESCAPE
Type icon Typ: Token
Company icon Unternehmen: ApeEscape
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



Vollständig verwässerte Bewertung


Circ icon Circ.: 62 500 000(63%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000



Online icon Online

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Über Ape Escape

Ape Escape Ecosystem

The Ape Escape Ecosystem is a self-sustaining DeFi project that seamlessly ties together the $ESCAPE token and the Bananafarm mining protocol, all powered by the Bananabank Treasury.


$ESCAPE is the core of the ecosystem, offering holders a share in the project’s growth. Every buy and sell transaction includes a 3% tax that is deposited into the Bananabank Treasury, funding buybacks, rewards, marketing and long-term sustainability.


Bananafarm allows users to earn up to 8% daily passive rewards through mining. Users can choose to compound their rewards for increased efficiency or claim them at any time, with each transaction supporting the ecosystem through treasury contributions and development funding. This entity also has a referral program for more inclusion.

Bananabank Treasury

The Bananabank powers the entire ecosystem by funding $ESCAPE token buybacks, marketing and providing monthly injections into the Bananafarm protocol, ensuring continuous growth, sustainability, and rewards for all participants.

Ape Escape is built to offer both fun and financial freedom through a well-balanced and rewarding DeFi experience.“

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Für Ape Escape ESCAPE liegen uns derzeit keine Preisinformationen vor.
Der zirkulierende Angebot von Ape Escape ist 62500000.
Der gesamte Angebot von Ape Escape ist 100000000.
Der maximale Angebot von Ape Escape ist 100000000.
Ape Escape ist eine dezentralisierte Coin.
Ape Escape is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
The contract address of Ape Escape is 0x3C65C32e955B6afA902719EF9715F410381732e3.

Github-Statistiken (Entwicklung)

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