Chillax (CHILLAX)

Chillax (CHILLAX)


Blockchain icon Blockchain: Solana
Ticker icon Ticker: CHILLAX
Type icon Typ: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



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Über Chillax

Chillax (CHILLAX) is a cryptocurrency that encapsulates the spirit of relaxation and a laid-back lifestyle. This meme project is designed for those who value stress-free living and the enjoyment of the present moment. The initiative is rooted in the belief that life is more enjoyable when individuals embrace a philosophy of calmness and good vibes, making Chillax an appealing choice for those looking to embody a chill attitude through their investment choices.

The mission behind Chillax revolves around promoting mindfulness and balance in a fast-paced world. By fostering a community focused on relaxation, Chillax aims to inspire individuals to take a step back from the chaos of everyday life and cultivate an atmosphere of tranquility. Through various contests and community engagement, participants are encouraged to join forces with Chillax and contribute to this positive movement, making it not just a project, but a lifestyle.

Accessibility is a key feature of Chillax, as it is available for purchase on platforms like MEXC and Pump.Fun. Users can easily acquire Chillax tokens by following straightforward steps to create a wallet, acquire SOL, and swap for CHILLAX without worrying about excessive fees or slippage. These features enhance the experience of engaging with Chillax, allowing individuals to focus on enjoying the relaxed vibe that the coin represents, while becoming part of a broader community dedicated to embracing a chill way of life.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Für Chillax CHILLAX liegen uns derzeit keine Preisinformationen vor.
The circulating supply of Chillax is unknown
Der gesamte Angebot von Chillax ist unbekannt.
Der maximale Angebot von Chillax ist unbekannt.
Leider ist das Land von Chillax unbekannt.
Chillax is a token running on the Solana blockchain.
Chillax erreichte ein Allzeit-Höchstpreis von USD am .
The contract address of Chillax is 4HjE7Eebj7iowo1GFfthmvvcp1Zb4QUXKLc3uq3opump.

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