Dagknight Dog (DOGK)

Dagknight Dog (DOGK)


Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kaspa
Ticker icon Ticker: DOGK
Type icon Typ: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:



Vollständig verwässerte Bewertung


Circ icon Circ.: 4 666 750 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 4 666 750 000
Max icon Max: 10 000 000 000



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Über Dagknight Dog

Dagknight Dog (DOGK) is an innovative memecoin that stands out in the vibrant world of cryptocurrency. Inspired by the adventures of an imaginative dog named Dag, this coin embraces a playful yet secure approach to blockchain technology. Through its unique blend of fun and whimsy, Dagknight Dog encourages the community to prioritize both security and innovation in an ever-evolving digital landscape. The coin leverages the capabilities of Kaspa’s KRC20 memecoins, positioning itself as a frontrunner among early market movers.

With a total supply of 10 billion DOGK tokens, Dagknight Dog emphasizes community engagement and growth through strategic allocations. The distribution includes 11% for community airdrops, 10% for marketing initiatives, 3% designated for team and advisors, and 6% for strategic partnerships. Additionally, 15% of the tokens are reserved for ongoing maintenance, while a significant 55% is set for burning, which reinforces scarcity and potential value appreciation over time.

Dag’s journey into the realm of technology began in a small town where he developed a fascination for coding and cryptocurrencies, making him a symbolic guardian of the Dagknight Dog ethos. The community-driven project is not without its inherent risks, as trading memecoins like DAGK is speculative and subject to market volatility. As an unofficial mascot of the crypto world, Dagknight Dog invites enthusiasts to explore a space filled with creativity, all while navigating the complexities of digital currency with a sense of adventure and community spirit.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Für Dagknight Dog DOGK liegen uns derzeit keine Preisinformationen vor.
Der zirkulierende Angebot von Dagknight Dog ist 4666750000.
Der gesamte Angebot von Dagknight Dog ist 4666750000.
Der maximale Angebot von Dagknight Dog ist 10000000000.
Leider ist das Land von Dagknight Dog unbekannt.
Dagknight Dog is a token running on the Kaspa blockchain.
The contract address of Dagknight Dog is DOGK.

Github-Statistiken (Entwicklung)

DOGK Märkte an Krypto-Börsen

X Feed (Twitter)


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