VeriCoin (VRC)

VeriCoin (VRC)


Blockchain icon Blockchain: VeriCoin
Ticker icon Ticker: VRC
Type icon Typ: Kryptowährung
Proof type icon Proof type: Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
Algorithm icon Algorithmus: PoST



Vollständig verwässerte Bewertung

$5 991


Circ icon Circ.: 35 260 952(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 35 260 952
Max icon Max: 35 260 952


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Über VeriCoin

VeriCoin (VRC) is a digital currency that operates on its own unique protocol called Proof-of-Stake-Time (PoST). With transaction speeds that are currently 10 times faster than Bitcoin, VeriCoin offers near-instantaneous transfers of funds around the world. By leaving their digital wallets running, users can stake their VeriCoin and earn rewards, similar to a savings account. This process helps to validate transactions on the VeriCoin network and contributes to the security and reliability of the currency. VeriCoin aims to provide access to financial services for individuals who may not have access to traditional banking systems, making it an inclusive and globally accessible digital currency.

In addition to VeriCoin, the VeriCoin ecosystem is complemented by Verium (VRM), a digital reserve asset. Verium is designed to be an innovative and independent store of value, while also supporting the VeriCoin blockchain. It utilizes a Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm that is CPU mineable, making it resistant to ASIC and GPU mining. Verium solves the blockchain scaling issue by introducing a variable block-time paradigm that scales up as mining power increases. This allows for enhanced transaction speed, capacity, and security at any level of mining. When implemented, Verium’s auxiliary mining protocol (AuxPOW) will speed up VeriCoin’s block-time to 30 seconds or faster and enable Verium miners to receive VeriCoin as block rewards. The integration of Verium and VeriCoin creates a powerful and scalable ecosystem that offers increased speed, security, and accessibility for users and merchants alike.

The VeriCoin ecosystem’s unique and groundbreaking feature is the Binary Chain, which combines the strengths of both VeriCoin and Verium. By pairing the currency and the reserve, the Binary Chain creates a scalable and economically sound digital ecosystem. VeriCoin’s acceptance of Verium miners‘ blocks through AuxPoW further decentralizes the currency and improves security and transaction speeds. VeriCoin costs remain low while Verium miners earn higher fees. By separating the currency and the commodity and pairing their supplies, the VeriConomy provides accessibility and opportunity for all users. The VeriCoin and Verium community is rapidly growing, and they welcome individuals with various skills and talents to join their movement towards creating a better world through decentralized digital currency.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Der aktuelle Preis von VeriCoin VRC ist 0.000169913 USD.
Der zirkulierende Angebot von VeriCoin ist 35260952.
Der gesamte Angebot von VeriCoin ist 35260952.
Der maximale Angebot von VeriCoin ist 35260952.
Leider ist das Land von VeriCoin unbekannt.
VeriCoin ist eine Kryptowährung, die auf ihrer eigenen Blockchain läuft.
VeriCoin erreichte ein Allzeit-Höchstpreis von 0 USD am 1 Jan 1970.

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