We are a leading cryptocurrency comparison site. Helping you make the best decision to save & make money. Erfahren Sie mehr über CryptoRunner

CryptoTips wants it to make possible for everyone to easily enter the world of cryptocurrency. On the website you will find guides and tutorials for both beginners and advanced traders. Everything is explained in such a way that no technical knowledge is required. On CryptoTips you read independent reviews about crypto companies where you can buy cryptocurrency or leave your own review. Find out which online crypto service or hardware suits the best for you and make the choice yourself.

Erfahren Sie mehr über CryptoTips

"CryptoZink is a reliable cryptocurrency source that aims to provide digital assets current, prospective users and enthusiasts valuable information in order to make informed decisions. Here you will find real-time market data, fast and reliable news, price charts/index, crypto exchanges, Bitcoin/Crypto calculator, ATM locations and many more..."

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Investment and Marketing Company providing Cryptocurrency Live Prices, News, Whale Transactions, Airdrops & Bounties, Signals and Predictions! Erfahren Sie mehr über Prices.org

Compare the best crypto tools, including crypto exchanges, DEXs, hardware wallets, and more.

Erfahren Sie mehr über RankFi
Bitglossary B.V.
Bitglossary B.V.

Everything to get you upto speed in the world of cryptocurrencies

We have information about the top 1000 crypto coins, slang and in-depth guides about the world of crypto.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Bitglossary

CoinCheckup is a cryptocurrency tracker that offers real-time crypto prices, historical cryptocurrency charts, and market cap data for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more than 9,000 altcoins.

Erfahren Sie mehr über CoinCheckup

CoinCodex offers a complete cryptocurrency market coverage with real-time coin prices, charts, and crypto market cap featuring Bitcoin, Ethereum, and over 7,000 altcoins on more than 300 exchanges.

Erfahren Sie mehr über CoinCodex

"DeFi Security Alliance (DSA) is a security-driven organization that dedicates its efforts to improving standards of safe services throughout the decentralized market. DSA helps users find the most reputable auditors and developers for crypto projects."

Erfahren Sie mehr über DeFi Security Alliance

Holder.io is an analytical platform designed for cryptocurrency investors, offering tools to track and analyze over 10,000 tokens and 2,000 cryptocurrency exchanges. It provides dashboards with real-time data on markets, trading volumes, and market capitalization, as well as metrics for asset and token evaluation. The system supports integration with calendars for upcoming NFT collections and monitors events such as airdrops. The platform is focused on simplifying market monitoring and automating data-driven analysis for decision-making in real time.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Holder.io

"See the future.

Transact with confidence.

Blocknative Transaction Orchestration is the best way to work with pre-chain data. We power transparency and profit for web3 users, developers, and traders alike."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Blocknative

"CoinGecko was founded in 2014 by TM Lee (CEO) and Bobby Ong (COO) with the mission to democratize the access of crypto data and empower users with actionable insights. We also deep dive into the crypto space to deliver valuable insights to our users through our cryptocurrency reports, as well as our publications, newsletter and more."

Erfahren Sie mehr über CoinGecko


Coin Metrics was founded in 2017 as an open-source project to determine the economic significance of public blockchains. Today, we expand on that original purpose in the hopes of empowering people to make informed crypto financial decisions."

Erfahren Sie mehr über CoinMetrics
Cryptocurrency Alerting, LLC
Cryptocurrency Alerting, LLC
"We are a flexible alerting platform focused on monitoring the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency space. In addition to market prices, we track exchange listings, trading volume, wallet transactions, and other on-chain metrics. Our users set highly customizable alerts, which we actively monitor 24/7. We have become a trusted resource for thousands of traders, blockchain developers, businesses and crypto-enthusiasts alike." Erfahren Sie mehr über Cryptocurrency Alerting

"We want to make exploring, tracking & managing dapps, insightful, convenient and rewarding for all.

We started in 2018, bringing high quality, accurate insights on decentralized applications to a global audience and rapidly became the go-to, trusted industry source.

Today, we’re the starting point for dapp discovery - hosting 11599 dapps from over 48 protocols - offer comprehensive NFT valuation & portfolio management and lead the way in data led, actionable industry reporting."

Erfahren Sie mehr über DappRadar
Market Rebellion, LLC
Market Rebellion, LLC

Market Rebellion is on a mission to challenge the status quo of trading and investing, by empowering independent investors with trading education, content and tools so that they can take control of their own financial destiny rather than having to rely on big institutions.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Market Rebellion

"Messari brings transparency to the crypto economy. We want to help investors, regulators, and the public makes sense of this revolutionary new asset class, and are building data tools that will drive informed decision-making and investment. We believe that crypto will democratize access to information, break down data silos, and ultimately give everyone the tools to build wealth."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Messari

"How it works:

1 Risk assessment

You identify a critical process that you want to secure. Garbage in, garbage out; some applications cannot afford that risk.

2 Integration

We help you to integrate our technology to enforce the correct execution of your process and to make it more transparent.

3 Relax

A full audit trail is provided to you and to your clients while your critical process runs. Anyone can monitor its correct execution with ease."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Provable

"TokenInsight is a data-driven blockchain institution, we're committed to providing market intelligence: ratings, industry research, and data. Through our comprehensive blockchain industry classification system and proprietary rating research mechanisms, TokenInsight continuously helps investors find value in blockchain and navigate uncertainties in the digital assets market."

Erfahren Sie mehr über TokenInsight

"Weiss Ratings empowers millions of investors with ratings, research and newsletters that provide the highest accuracy, the best safety and the most profitable investment guidance.

Each day of the year, we issue over 56,000 newly updated ratings, including investment ratings on nearly all U.S.-listed stocks, mutual funds and ETFs; safety ratings on nearly all U.S. banks, credit unions and insurance companies; plus cryptocurrency ratings on most actively traded digital assets."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Weiss Ratings
Über Daten & Informationen?
Daten und Informationen sind wesentliche Bestandteile der Blockchain-Branche. Mit dem Aufkommen dieser Technologie besteht ein Bedarf an zuverlässigen Daten und Informationen, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Tutorien, Nachrichten, Informationen über die Preise von Kryptowährungen und Token, Signale und Marktberichterstattung sind unerlässlich. Die Verfügbarkeit dieser Arten von Daten und Informationen kann wertvolle Einblicke in den Kryptomarkt bieten und Anlegern helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Mit den richtigen Ressourcen können Anleger den Kryptowährungsmarkt und seine Trends verstehen und wissen, wie sie die Chancen nutzen können.

Recent posts:

Die Auswirkungen der Blockchain auf Sportwetten

Die Auswirkungen der Blockchain auf Sportwetten

Die Blockchain-Technologie revolutioniert die Sportwetten durch erhöhte Transparenz, Sicherheit und Effizienz. Bitcoin-basierte Wetten gewinnen zunehmend an Beliebtheit und Vertrauen.

Wie Bitcoin und Blockchain den deutschen Casinomarkt erobern

Wie Bitcoin und Blockchain den deutschen Casinomarkt erobern

Der deutsche Glücksspielmarkt gehört zu den größten weltweit, mit jährlichen Umsätzen von 52,7 Milliarden Euro. Strenge Vorschriften treiben Spieler zu ausländischen Krypto-Casinos, die mehr Freiheit, weniger staatliche Kontrolle und größere Boni durch Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ethereum bieten.


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