eTracker offers you the simplicity and functionality of your portfolio in your hand and with one click. No signs, no warnings, no ads. It simply monitors your wallets, tokens and total values ​​automatically.

➠ Download from PlayStore: eTracker Android App

Highlights of eTracker

✓ Unlimited Portfolios: You can add as many portfolios as you have and create a portfolio of each one. Simply type in your wallet address, select your blockchain and eTrackerAPP will take care of the rest.

✓ Automatic wallets synch.: eTrackerApp automatically adds all your tokens to your portfolio. With just one click you can synch and reload the content of your wallet or, if you need, delete it. You can also assign a name to each portfolio to facilitate its administration.

✓ 100% Safe & Free: Is not necessary to use API keys or private keys. eTrackerAPP works only with the PUBLIC address of your wallet.

✓ Token prices & Wallet value:eTracker APP updates the price of the tokens every 2 minutes through the connection to different websites and Exchanges. In this way, eTrackerAPP can offer you the updated value of each of your portfolios so that you can monitor your investments.

Over 20 Blockchains (and assets) supported

Erfahren Sie mehr über eTracker

"Coinwink is a cryptocurrency price alerts, watchlist and portfolio tracking app for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and other 3600 crypto coins and tokens.

Coinwink monitors cryptocurrency prices 24/7 and alerts you by e-mail or SMS when your defined conditions are met.

Additional tools, such as Portfolio and Watchlist allow you to track your crypto holdings and favorites from different blockchains in one single place. These tools help you to be aware of the market situation with the minimum amount of time and effort invested.

Charts, social activity, links, news, and other additional information about any coin or a token are always just one click away, provided by CoinMarketCap.

Coinwink's mission is to help people to develop well-balanced cryptocurrency management and trading habits, that provide a high level of personal freedom and positively impact crypto investing outcomes."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Coinwink

Get different alert/notifications for cryptocurrencies

  • Price alerts
  • Indicator alerts
  • Binance Trading Volume alerts
  • ETH Gas alerts

You can use the service completely free of charge and all notifications arrive instantly. Receive notifications in any way that is convenient for you, e.g. via Email, Telegram, Discord.

The service is constantly evolving and new alerts and delivery methods are being added

Erfahren Sie mehr über Crypto Alerting
" monitors more than 1000 crypto-currencies from the world’s 8 largest exchanges.

Receive alerts to email, directly to Telegram or using our Android application. Different types of notifications will help not to miss the moment and control what’s happening with the market. The service aggregates data directly from the API’s of exchanges, without any intermediaries or third-party services, which allows to receive up-to-date information without delay.

Our team constantly works on improvements, and always welcome for your suggestions. You can send them using the feedback form, or by contacting us in any convenient way." Erfahren Sie mehr über

"What You Get In Our Winning Cryptocurrency Signal VIP Group

If you are new to the cryptocurrency market and you would like to learn how to trade it, manage risk correctly and get your trading account into profit then see more about what we offer below.


We aim to achieve 1500 pips a month every month trading Bitcoin alone!


Every single trade comes with full technical analysis, explaining why we are taking the trade, we do this so that you can learn as you are trading.


We clearly state the RRR (risk-reward ratio) with every trade and work on a 1:2 & 1:3 ratio so that you never risk too much per trade and have a higher chance of making a profit.


Our signals are only sent via Telegram, that way as soon as the signal comes through, it comes through instantly to you.


By joining our VIP group you are unlocking a wealth of knowledge and experience from our traders, a small monthly payment means you are joining the


Our trades are not always market execution, so you will have plenty of time to get on board with them, we swing trade, scalp and we use different types of trades like BUY STOPS, SELL STOPS & BUY LIMIT etc…" Erfahren Sie mehr über Crypto Signals

Cryptocurrency Alerting, LLC
Cryptocurrency Alerting, LLC
"We are a flexible alerting platform focused on monitoring the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency space. In addition to market prices, we track exchange listings, trading volume, wallet transactions, and other on-chain metrics. Our users set highly customizable alerts, which we actively monitor 24/7. We have become a trusted resource for thousands of traders, blockchain developers, businesses and crypto-enthusiasts alike." Erfahren Sie mehr über Cryptocurrency Alerting
"Our Mission

Subscribe to our Trading Signals and pick the tier that best suits your needs and start receiving our exclusive and high-quality trading signals via Telegram. We use a trading approach and technical analysis combination that is working with outstanding results. This system ensures that you receive the signals at the exact moment of execution.

Our Vision

Join the exclusive community of NFTCRYPTO.IO, where an experienced team will do everything possible to help you reach success. Our business model guarantees low fees and security, an easy to use NFT signal service has made it easier than ever, start trading NFTs today." Erfahren Sie mehr über NFT Signals

Über Monitoring & Warnungen?
Überwachung und Alarme in der Blockchain sind unerlässlich, um den Überblick über die sehr volatilen Kryptomärkte zu behalten. Mit Preiswarnungen, eth gas-Warnungen, Indikatorwarnungen, Volumenwarnungen und vielen anderen Arten ist es möglich, dem Markt voraus zu sein und besser auf wichtige Veränderungen vorbereitet zu sein. Die Transaktionsüberwachung kann auch genutzt werden, um verdächtige Aktivitäten im Auge zu behalten und entsprechende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Nutzen Sie Benachrichtigungen, um Benutzer auf kritische Änderungen und Ereignisse aufmerksam zu machen. Mit den richtigen Tools können Sie Marktinformationen überwachen und analysieren, um bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen und Ihre Gewinne zu maximieren.

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