Kickstart your venture into the crypto exchange market with our top-notch cryptocurrency exchange software development services. Succeed in launching your own full-fledged cryptocurrency exchange platform with unrivalled performance using our cryptocurrency exchange development solutions Erfahren Sie mehr über Cryptocurrency Exchange Development company

"BTCPay Server is a self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor. It's secure, private, censorship-resistant and free."

Erfahren Sie mehr über BTCPay Server

"Our Mission

We believe that money is a fundamental human right, and not a luxury reserved for the few. At Carbon, we are building tools and infrastructure to support the evolution of money, wherever it touches society.

Fiber, our flagship product, aims to reduce the friction between using fiat money and cryptographically derived value. Features within Fiber allow developers to abstract trading cryptocurrency into an easy-to-use endpoint and application. Our capital markets division brings traditional finance techniques to the nascent blockchain space. We're just getting started :)"

Erfahren Sie mehr über Carbon
Circle Internet Financial Limited
Circle Internet Financial Limited

Circle is a global financial technology firm that enables businesses of all sizes to harness the power of stablecoins and public blockchains for payments and commerce worldwide. Circle is the pioneer of the fastest growing fiat-currency backed stablecoin, USDC, which has a market cap of $500 million and more than $1 billion USDC issued in under a year's time. Circle was founded in 2013 and is backed by $250 million from investors including Jim Breyer (Facebook), IDG Capital (Baidu, Tencent), General Catalyst (Airbnb, Stripe), Accel Partners, and Bitmain, with offices in Boston, New York, Dublin and London.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Circle

"This is Damex, offering OTC services & a new payment app coming soon which rewards you for keeping active. Join the waiting list today."

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DePay AG

"Web3 Payments with any token

DePay pioneers Web3 Payments with the power of DeFi.

Accept any token with on-the-fly conversion."

Erfahren Sie mehr über DePay

"HUMBL is a social payments, merchant and reviews platform."

Erfahren Sie mehr über HUMBL

"Our Mission is to Make Crypto == Currency

We believe that cryptocurrency is the future of money. Our team is building the technologies to bring this future to fruition. We are engineers, builders and enthusiasts who love Bitcoin and the change it will bring to the world. We hope our efforts drive adoption of cryptocurrency and help educate consumers on the benefits of crypto for payments."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Moon

"Who we are

At Omise, we believe that online payment is a necessity to develop a successful business on the internet. We provide our users with the necessary tools to run an online business, accept payments and connect them with millions of potential customers.

Our payment solution is simple to setup and works seamlessly across multiple devices. We take care of connecting and maintaining relationships with processors and acquirers which let our users focus on building great products."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Omise

"Bitcoin payments at

the speed of now

Get lightning-fast, low-cost bitcoin payments and payouts

for your business with our powerful API, ecommerce

plugins, or hosted payment pages."

Erfahren Sie mehr über OpenNode
Payscript Pty Ltd
Payscript Pty Ltd

"We’re Here To Transform Online

Crypto-Payments Process

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology are now becoming part of our lives, our team at Payscript strives to carefully synthesize the dynamism of these technologies with technical innovation to provide the users with a groundbreaking crypto-wallet experience."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Payscript

"We are Ramp

Ramp’s non-custodial, full-stack payment infrastructure accelerates adoption and builds trust for its partners.

As a team, we put skills above seniority, ability over age and knowledge above whoever makes the loudest noise.

As a company, we never settle, we solve real problems and we’re pioneers at heart."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Ramp Network

"Strike uses Bitcoin technology to offer instant payments globally, with no added fees. Use Strike to pay your friends, buy goods and services online, make micropayments, tip content creators, as well as buy and sell bitcoin.

To offer these services, we’ve partnered with Prime Trust, LLC, a state-regulated trust company, which holds your funds in custody and enables funds transfers. You can contact Prime Trust here."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Strike

"Your tech, finance, and regulatory partners.

Our highly collaborative team of cryptographers, regulatory thought-leaders, and financial-system specialists, as well as world-class software and hardware engineers, are here to help you every step of the way."

Erfahren Sie mehr über Transparent Financial Systems
Über Zahlungslösungen?
Die Blockchain-Technologie hat das Potenzial, die Art und Weise der Zahlungsabwicklung zu revolutionieren und eine neue Zukunft des Geldes zu schaffen. Diese Technologie hat mit dem Aufstieg von Kryptowährungen wie BTC bereits einige Erfolge erzielt. Jetzt wird sie von Zahlungsabwicklern, Geldautomaten und anderen Infrastrukturen erforscht, um sicherere und transparentere Zahlungslösungen anzubieten. Da immer mehr Unternehmen die Blockchain-Technologie für Zahlungslösungen einsetzen, könnten wir bald eine Zukunft erleben, in der Geld schnell und sicher übertragen wird, ohne dass eine herkömmliche Bankinfrastruktur erforderlich ist. Verbraucher und Händler können gleichermaßen von dieser Technologie profitieren, da sie schnellere und sicherere Zahlungen verspricht.

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Die Auswirkungen der Blockchain auf Sportwetten

Die Auswirkungen der Blockchain auf Sportwetten

Die Blockchain-Technologie revolutioniert die Sportwetten durch erhöhte Transparenz, Sicherheit und Effizienz. Bitcoin-basierte Wetten gewinnen zunehmend an Beliebtheit und Vertrauen.

Wie Bitcoin und Blockchain den deutschen Casinomarkt erobern

Wie Bitcoin und Blockchain den deutschen Casinomarkt erobern

Der deutsche Glücksspielmarkt gehört zu den größten weltweit, mit jährlichen Umsätzen von 52,7 Milliarden Euro. Strenge Vorschriften treiben Spieler zu ausländischen Krypto-Casinos, die mehr Freiheit, weniger staatliche Kontrolle und größere Boni durch Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ethereum bieten.


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