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NeXt Generation of ADvertising (NXAD)

NeXt Generation of ADvertising (NXAD)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: NEO
Ticker icon Ticker: NXAD
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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NeXt Generation of ADvertising Price Chart

NXAD to USD Converter

About NeXt Generation of ADvertising

NeXt Generation of ADvertising (NXAD) is a digital currency that aims to revolutionize the advertising industry. Launched in [year], NXAD offers a decentralized and autonomous platform for buying and selling advertising products. Unlike traditional fiat currencies, NXAD exists only virtually and is not issued or controlled by any centralized bank or governmental institution. This online form of cash allows users to enjoy greater autonomy and control over their spending without interference from third parties like governments or banks.

The value of NXAD is determined by speculation about its price movements, and its supply is decentralized and can be increased through mining. Transactions are recorded on a public distributed ledger called the blockchain, guaranteeing the currency’s integrity. With NXAD, advertising transactions can be discreet and anonymous, as the personal identities of the parties involved cannot be traced back. The low transaction fees and quick transfers NXAD offers make it a convenient and cost-effective option, especially for international advertising campaigns.

Using NXAD, advertisers can pay for advertising services anywhere worldwide without using traditional banking infrastructure. This makes NXAD a go-to currency for those living in regions with limited banking access. With its peer-to-peer payment system, NXAD allows users to send and receive payments without seeking approval from any authority. The NeXt Generation of ADvertising (NXAD) aims to transform the advertising industry by providing a decentralized, efficient, cost-effective platform for buying and selling advertising products.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of NeXt Generation of ADvertising NXAD available.
The circulating supply of NeXt Generation of ADvertising is unknown
The total supply of NeXt Generation of ADvertising is unknown.
The max supply of NeXt Generation of ADvertising is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of NeXt Generation of ADvertising is unknown.
NeXt Generation of ADvertising is a token running on the NEO blockchain.
The contract address of NeXt Generation of ADvertising is unknown.

Github Statistics (Development)

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NXAD Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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