Tenup (TUP)

Tenup (TUP)

Coin Information

Flag of Pakistan Pakistan (PK)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Tenup
Ticker icon Ticker: TUP
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Proof type icon Proof type: Unknown
Algorithm icon Algorithm: Unknown

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$888 544

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 105 372 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 105 372 000
Max icon Max: 105 372 000

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TUP to USD Converter

About Tenup

Tenup (TUP) is a decentralized platform for Web3 Dapps that aims to revolutionize the future of blockchain and gaming. With the release of the TenUp Ludo NFT version 1.1, Tenup is excited about the possibilities it brings to the world of blockchain and gaming. By reaching a wider audience and providing more influence, Tenup aims to drive innovation in these industries.

In addition to gaming, Tenup offers various features and services to its users. One such feature is the Tenup Crosschain Bridge, which allows users to distribute traffic to less congested blockchains, increasing the scalability of the Ethereum network. Moreover, Tenup provides a platform for users to generate passive income by staking TUPs at higher annual percentage yields (APYs) without any vesting period.

As part of its roadmap, Tenup has planned various future developments, including the launch of Ludo NFT Version 2.0, the Tenup Crosschain ETH/BSC, and the Analyzer Dapp. Tenup aims to expand its global partnerships, enhance its top-up feature, and introduce Staking Version 3.0 in the coming years. Users can stay updated with the latest news and offerings by following Tenup on social media platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Tenup TUP is 0.00843455 USD.
The circulating supply of Tenup is 105372000.
The total supply of Tenup is 105372000.
The max supply of Tenup is 105372000.
Tenup is based in: Pakistan.
Tenup is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Tenup reached an all-time-high of 1.00063 USD on 30 Jan 2023.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

TUP Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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