The adoption curve that comes with cryptocurrency is said to be in the very early stages right now. Wells Fargo data is now showing that the trend is very similar to that of the internet adoption that happened in the year 1990. This gives a glimpse of how crypto could easily become part of world communication and it could easily be like nothing we have ever seen before. Of course, if crypto is the next revolution, then it would seem that a lot of industries are jumping in right now. You have music, fashion, gaming and even social media.
Interestingly enough, if you love to play online slots, poker, blackjack or other games of chance, then you will be glad to know that a lot of casino sites accept crypto as a form of deposit, which is paving the way for other companies to do the same. Consumers have really started to embrace and understand the internet and all it has to offer. The investment advisor service has come out to say that although the adoption started at a very slow pace, it has since hit a strong inflation point and since then it has accelerated exponentially. The years to come should really show a similar spike when you look at the industry in general.
Collection Data
Collection data has shown that around 3% of the world’s population have invested in crypto at one point or another. The great thing about cryptocurrency is that the industry is moving faster than ever before. Only four months before this time, it would seem that the number of users was only half. A common factor here would be how users approach this new tech in the early stages. This is a period of time where a lot of people have to figure out what the technology is and what it is capable of. Data has been represented in a lot of charts and it would seem that adoption rates could easily be taking a very similar route to some of the other advanced technologies that are out there. Cryptocurrency could easily enter some kind of inflection point and it could be adopted on a much bigger level.
The Internet
When you look at the internet, you will see that the point was around the mid to the late 1990s. The internet had a very slow start but when you look at 1996 you will see that there were around 77 million people using the internet and that in the year 2000 this rocketed to around 412 million. This worldwide level of internet use really did rocket since then as well. in 2010 you had around 1.98 billion people using it. Now that number stands at 4.9 billion. If cryptocurrency happens to follow this same vein then it would seem that it could be adopted way more as the years go by. It’s also important to remember that things could easily hit a hyper-inflation point too. It often takes a lot of years for consumers to be able to adopt a lot of new tech, but it would seem that things are looking up.