How Can You Become A Smart Contract Developer In 2023?

A smart contract is a program stored on the blockchain that runs after certain conditions are met. Its inclusion on the blockchain was revolutionary, but there are far too few smart contract developers actively working. That fact has created a gap in the market that needs to be filled.

If you’re interested in becoming a smart contract developer who can create great contracts without vulnerabilities, there’s still room for you in 2023. But you’ll need to study really hard.

How to Become a Smart Contract Developer in 2023

Becoming a new developer in 2023 is possible if you follow the right steps and learn everything you can about the blockchain. Here’s how you can train to be a great smart contract developer.

Jump Into the Deep End With a Bootcamp 

It’s rare for universities and colleges to offer courses on blockchain technology and smart contracts; the technology is still considered “too new.” Fortunately, bootcamps can teach you everything you need, from Solana and Rust to Solidity training, in a span of a few months.

You don’t even need to know anything about the blockchain to sign up for some bootcamps, but be aware that these programs are tough. With that said, if you have the time to commit to 6 months of intense study, you can become a smart contract developer at breakneck speeds.

Learn the Basics of Blockchain 

Whether you sign up for a bootcamp or take the traditional route, all smart contract developers need to know the basics of blockchain before they can tackle the hard stuff. You’ll need to understand blockchain architecture, cryptography, data structures, and distributed systems.

Next, you’ll need to know a few coding languages, like C, JavaScript, Python, C#, Golang, and Java. Then, you can move on to learning about smart contracts and how they function on the blockchain. To create great smart contracts, you’ll have to learn Solidity and a bit of Rust. 

Start Developing Sample Projects

Enhance your coding ability by developing sample projects using available online resources or tutorials, such as Truffula or Ethereum Remix IDE (Integrated Development Environment). This is an important step if you want to gain experience and confidence in writing smart contracts.

When it comes to coding, practice is the best way to learn. Consider learning how to code smart contracts for popular use cases, such as for real estate transactions and eCommerce. Then, choose one or two smart contract platforms to learn how to code on, like Ethereum or Solana. 

Get to Know New Blockchain Technology

The blockchain community is very tight-knit, and they tend to want to work with developers that are in the know. Things come and go on and off the blockchain constantly, and it’s to the point that revolutionary technology like Plasma Cash is considered old hat in many circles.

As a smart contract developer, you primarily have to worry about coding contracts for new instances or systems. While Ethereum and Solana are currently the top 2 smart contract platforms, Avalanche, Alforand, and Hyperledger Fabric could be worth learning really soon. 

Consider Applying for Internships 

Internships are also considered very crucial for developers who seek expertise specifically related to blockchain programming. This is mainly because few institutions actually offer formal blockchain training, so most smart contract teachers learned solo or via intense bootcamps.

If you can find a developer who’s willing to offer you an internship, you should jump on that chance immediately. Not only will you gain real-world experience, but you’ll also have someone there to correct your mistakes. They may also be able to connect you with gainful employers. 

Participate in Hacking Events

It’s also important for developers to participate in hacking events, seminars, or conferences related to blockchain programming. While it helps if these events focus on smart contracts, they don’t necessarily have to, as these events are perfect for building an employer-based network.

Not only that, but hacking events can help you stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and development trends while you’re getting some practice in. Hacking events can truly offer smart contract developers everything they need to break into the industry and practice their skills. 

Get Certified Via an Accredited Program 

If you haven’t thought about taking the bootcamp route, now’s the chance to rethink your plans. While it’s true that most employers won’t expect you to have a bachelor’s degree to write smart contracts, they still need to know if you’re qualified to code these contracts in the first place.

Employers will test you on your knowledge after you get an interview, but you need to attract their attention with a quality resume. If you have a certification from an accredited program on your resume that’s recent or newly updated, employers will be willing to take a chance on you.


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