Crypto and gambling have grown even closer over recent years, as more people look to take advantage of cryptocurrency’s benefits when gambling on sports or esports.
It’s quicker and offers consumers an extra layer of anonymity, so it is not much of a surprise that we see new cryptocurrency casinos launching all the time, making it tough to stand out among a growing crowd of options.
Consumers may struggle to choose the casino that suits them amid a raft of options, and for casino brands, promotion can be more of a struggle with new competitors constantly popping up.
Offering Signup Bonuses
Anyone who has looked through the current crypto offerings on the market can tell you that there are a wide variety of bonuses. This is the main way that a lot of people find a new site, enticed in by a bonus in the way of free bets or a boosted balance.
Lots of customers specifically look for a generous Bitcoin casino welcome bonus when signing up for a new account, knowing that the majority of casinos provide some sort of reward for their attention. It has become the norm in the industry and it is almost a little strange when a casino doesn’t have a bonus.
We’ve even seen some crypto and other gambling sites get creative with bonuses beyond free bets and spins, offering tickets to matches and jerseys for those who choose to gamble with them.
One of the forms of bonuses that can prove to be very popular when it comes to getting new customers and standing out is a no-deposit bonus. Many casinos require a deposit in return for the bonus and may provide free spins or match the balance when someone puts money in the account, but no deposit bonuses are a risk-free way for a customer to check out a new casino site.
A Bigger Selection of Games and Slots
If a customer goes to a store to buy an item but they don’t offer it in their range then they’ll just walk to the next store, and the same principle applies in casinos. What if somebody wants to find a slot game related to an area of interest: With thousands of slots on the market, people can find something for them whether they are interested in soccer or ancient history.
Plus, there are a lot of people who have their own particular brand of table games they want to play, such as a variety of poker like Omaha or Texas Hold’em. The more choice a casino provides, the more likely it is that customers will stick with them, or choose to gamble with them in the first place.
Clever Marketing Strategies
Crypto is a fledgling industry compared to most financial services, so companies are still finding their way in marketing. This applies to companies that offer crypto gambling as well as trading, and trading companies are trying to outdo each other mainly with features, such as One Trading, which recently launched an instant trade system.
Good products and services are just the starting point, and the concept of “if you build it, they will come” doesn’t really apply to crypto casinos, as people need a way to find your site and be intrigued enough to sign up.
Offering an Elite Site and Excellent Support
A criticism that has been leveled at some crypto sites is that their support isn’t good enough, which means an opportunity for companies to differentiate their own platform by providing live chat, or a phone number for customers. 88% of customers say they won’t return to a site after a bad experience, and not being able to get the support they need might drive people away.
On top of that, the site must be easy to navigate and use, otherwise, customers will just click away, around 1 in 2 visitors will only stick with a site for six seconds before clicking away and going to a competitor, so crypto sites don’t have long to keep the attention of consumers and their servers must be lightning fast to respond to customers both on mobile and desktop.
Competition in an industry drives innovation, and it can help many sites push forward and introduce new features for their customers. On top of this, a marketing strategy that includes original concepts and even bonuses nobody else has thought of can help casinos pique the interest of gamblers wanting to try something new.