is one of the largest blockchain databases.
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An Educational Platform
Our goal is to be an informative platform for all topics related to Blockchain technology. We aim to achieve that goal by providing investors and enthusiasts with reliable and accurate information about blockchain projects and companies from all over the world. Our database is growing continuously with new data and kept up-to-date using various data validity techniques. was founded in 2018 when we noticed the fast growth of new altcoins. It was at that point that we decided to build the biggest Blockchain Data Platform.
We strive to make our data available to the retail and institutional investor, by collecting and showcasing it on our user-friendly platform. Currently, we have listed over 20.000 coins, 1.100+ exchanges, 150+ wallets and 50+ Blockchain companies.
Data validation
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To make sure our data is correct, we reach out to the teams behind all the blockchain projects that are listed on our platform in an effort to get them to validate our data. You can recognize a coin with validated data by their verified badges.
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