Klaytn (KLAY)

Klaytn (KLAY)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Klaytn
Ticker icon Ticker: KLAY
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$2 060 055 057

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 3 690 642 315(62%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 5 954 208 921

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About Klaytn

Klaytn, with the ticker KLAY, is an open-source, public blockchain designed for the future decentralized world. It is built to support a sustainable and verifiable ecosystem for all participants. Klaytn aims to provide a sound token economy and a robust network, ensuring reliability and transparency. The project focuses on on-chain governance through Klaytn Square and aims to create a unified community of builders and users working towards a common goal.

Klaytn prides itself on being a sustainable blockchain platform. It believes a strong token economy and a reliable network are the keys to long-term success. By providing verifiable transparency, Klaytn enables true trustless infrastructure for its users. The project aims to create a collective community that works together as a unified organism, fostering collaboration and innovation.

The Klaytn developer environment offers world-class resources and support for builders to kickstart their ambitions in the Web3 space. Klaytn is highly optimized and uses a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm to ensure enterprise-grade reliability. The platform also provides various developer tools and technical tutorials to enhance the Klaytn experience. With a diverse ecosystem, including DeFi, gaming, and more, Klaytn aims to achieve mass adoption and drive real changes in the blockchain industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Klaytn KLAY is 0.345983 USD.
The circulating supply of Klaytn is 3690642315.
The total supply of Klaytn is 5954208921.
The max supply of Klaytn is unknown.
Klaytn is based in: South Korea.
Klaytn is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Klaytn reached an all-time-high of 2.96753 USD on 14 May 2021.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

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