Tonstakers (TSTON)

Tonstakers (TSTON)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: TON
Ticker icon Ticker: TSTON
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Max icon Max: 23 990 412

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About Tonstakers

Tonstakers (TSTON) is a secure and reliable liquid staking protocol that allows users to unlock the power of liquid staking and earn yields securely, equally, and transparently at the best rates on the market. With Tonstakers, individuals can deposit TON and enjoy the benefits of staking while maintaining access to their staked assets at all times. The protocol aims to provide rewards for everyone participating in blockchain security, ensuring a trustworthy and inclusive ecosystem.

Tonstakers is built to last and has been developed in collaboration with TON Core Developers, a team dedicated to the technical aspects of the TON blockchain. The protocol is open source, ensuring accessibility for all and enabling continuous innovation. Additionally, Tonstakers has been audited by Certik, a leading blockchain security company, to provide users with high security. The platform operates non-custodial, allowing users to control their stakes without relying on intermediaries.

To start earning yields with Tonstakers, users need to deposit their desired amount of TON coins onto the platform. In return, they receive tsTON tokens representing a TON pool share. Users can then utilize their staking assets while using the liquid token for other purposes. When desired, they can exchange their tsTON tokens for TON coins and the accumulated yield. Tonstakers has a strong community that users can join via Telegram and Twitter to stay updated and connected with other members.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Tonstakers TSTON available.
The circulating supply of Tonstakers is unknown
The total supply of Tonstakers is unknown.
The max supply of Tonstakers is 23990412.
Unfortunately the country of Tonstakers is unknown.
Tonstakers is a token running on the TON blockchain.
The contract address of Tonstakers is EQCkWxfyhAkim3g2DjKQQg8T5P4g-Q1-K_jErGcDJZ4i-vqR.

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