Power Token (PWR)

Power Token (PWR)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Waves
Ticker icon Ticker: PWR
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 3 193
Max icon Max: 1 000 000

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About Power Token

Power Token (PWR) aims to address the outdated governance systems that the world still relies on. In a time of rapid technological disruption, governance systems have failed to keep up. PowerDAO introduces a new governance model built from first principles to empower communities to achieve real-world goals. Unlike traditional governance models, PowerDAO eliminates selfish voters and inspires apathetic voters to engage in the community’s best interest. It also prioritizes transparency, anti-corruption measures, and resolving community chaos through innovative design.

PowerDAO implements several interconnected design innovations to achieve its goals. It utilizes KPI-based governance, enabling consensus based on the community’s desired objectives. Transparent reputation mechanics reward good actors with more PWR tokens while discouraging bad actors. The self-stratification feature enables communities to propose and generate new ChildDAOs using PowerDAO infrastructure. Additionally, participation incentives are in place to reward actors who contribute to the community’s goal while penalizing those who do not.

Power Token (PWR) seeks to revolutionize governance and put power back into the hands of communities. Its innovative approach challenges the shortcomings of current governance systems and aims to create a more inclusive, transparent, and efficient decision-making process. To stay updated on the PowerDAO release and take control of your power, users can sign up for the newsletter and join the journey towards decentralized governance.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Power Token PWR available.
The circulating supply of Power Token is unknown
The total supply of Power Token is 3193.
The max supply of Power Token is 1000000.
Unfortunately the country of Power Token is unknown.
Power Token is a token running on the Waves blockchain.
The contract address of Power Token is 2thsACuHmzDMuNezPM32wg9a3BwUzBWDeSKakgz3cw21.

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