Wateract (WTR)

Wateract (WTR)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Algorand
Ticker icon Ticker: WTR
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 20 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

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About Wateract

Wateract (WTR) is a coin that serves as the water token, facilitating large-scale water reuse and acting as voluntary water credits in the real economy. Through its regenerative tokenization system, WTR connects to flowmeters, pumps, and counters in water reuse and desalination facilities to issue tokens for each cubic meter of water reclaimed. Companies can purchase WTR to offset their water debt by swapping tokens for equivalent voluntary water credits that comply with international ESG regulatory frameworks. The liquidity generated from each WTR sale rewards water sources, supports the entire system, and funds new water-positive initiatives.

With a focus on water resources, the WTR token represents a unit of measurement in cubic meters (m3). It is linked to various water processes, including water reuse systems, green desalination, and rainwater harvesting. Currently, there are 118,384 WTR tokens in supply, with a price of CHF 2.06 per token. A white paper and FAQs provide further information on topics such as the association between WTR and water, the concept of water credits, the blockchain’s energy consumption, and the certification process.

Wateract (WTR) has attracted the participation of pioneering companies such as MAMA Holding S.S., Rialto Holding Limited, and I-Deagate Società Benefit Srl. These companies have joined the WTR ecosystem to leverage its potential to drive positive impact and sustainability. Throughout the extensive network, various water sources have already integrated WTR, including an Italian cast iron foundry with water reuse systems, Nunki Steel with its water reuse system, and Cogne Acciai Speciali, a world leader in the production of stainless steels and nickel alloys. Wateract aims to reward virtuous companies, offset their environmental debt, and fund regenerative initiatives. It is also preparing to introduce the Carbon Capture Token (CCS) to tokenize carbon capture and storage systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Wateract WTR available.
The circulating supply of Wateract is unknown
The total supply of Wateract is 20000000.
The max supply of Wateract is 1000000000.
Unfortunately the country of Wateract is unknown.
Wateract is a token running on the Algorand blockchain.
The contract address of Wateract is 1675316597.

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