Keep3rV1 (KP3R)

Keep3rV1 (KP3R)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: KP3R
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$5 632 743

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 509 314(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 509 314
Max icon Max: 509 314

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About Keep3rV1

Keep3rV1 (KP3R) is a decentralized infrastructure platform that allows external individuals and teams, known as keepers, to execute various jobs within the network in exchange for rewards. Keepers play a crucial role in running decentralized infrastructures by performing simple transactions to complex off-chain logic tasks. As keepers, individuals need to set up their own DevOps and infrastructure and define their own rules based on the profitability of their jobs. In return for their services, keepers receive rewards in the form of Ethereum (ETH), tokens, or the system’s native token, KP3R.

To become a keeper in the Keep3r Network, individuals simply need to call the ‘bond’ function with the desired address. While no funds are required to join, some jobs may require a minimum amount. After a bonding delay of three days (default), keepers can activate their status and start performing jobs. The platform provides a list of available jobs to keepers, who can choose which actions to perform based on job owner restrictions or personal preferences. It is important to perform these actions in good faith, without malicious intent.

Keep3r Network is still in beta, and users are advised to use it at their own risk. Interested individuals can check the project’s Twitter account, Medium, Telegram, and Discord to stay updated with the latest developments and information and access the Keep3r Discourse platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Keep3rV1 KP3R is 11.0354 USD.
The circulating supply of Keep3rV1 is 509314.
The total supply of Keep3rV1 is 509314.
The max supply of Keep3rV1 is 509314.
Unfortunately the country of Keep3rV1 is unknown.
Keep3rV1 is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
Keep3rV1 reached an all-time-high of 1970.28 USD on 13 Nov 2021.
The contract address of Keep3rV1 is 0x1ceb5cb57c4d4e2b2433641b95dd330a33185a44.

Github Statistics (Development)

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