Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) (WBTC)

Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) (WBTC)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: TomoChain
Ticker icon Ticker: WBTC
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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Total icon Total: 1

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About Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction)

Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) with the ticker WBTC represents a progressive initiative within the blockchain space, focusing on creating an open and secure environment that empowers individuals and promotes community engagement. The network’s infrastructure consists of several crucial components, including masternodes and a block explorer, designed to enhance transparency and efficiency. This Layer-1 blockchain addresses various challenges and enables users to access innovative solutions that drive growth and facilitate a more inclusive society.

The operational capabilities of Viction showcase its commitment to achieving rapid and reliable transactions, characterized by an impressive zero gas fee policy and a transaction speed of 2 seconds, accommodating up to 2,000 transactions per second. With over 880 million mainnet transactions and a robust network of 150 masternodes, Viction stands as a strong platform for potential. This ecosystem not only supports blockchain applications such as gaming, decentralized finance (DeFi), and consumer apps but also aims to simplify blockchain technology for daily use.

Viction is not merely a technological framework but a gateway to the mass adoption of blockchain solutions, emphasizing accessibility, education, and community involvement. As it fuels innovation through projects like LayerZero and Pyth, Viction reinforces its vision of a future where every idea has the potential to thrive. By building a vibrant community hub, hosting events, and providing resources like a developer guide and hackathons, Viction seeks to inspire collaboration and empower human potential within the blockchain landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) WBTC available.
The circulating supply of Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) is unknown
The total supply of Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) is 1.
The max supply of Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) is unknown.
Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) is a token running on the TomoChain blockchain.
The contract address of Viction Bridged WBTC (Viction) is 0x503b2ddc059b81788fd1239561596614b27faade.

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