PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power (CVP)

PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power (CVP)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: CVP
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$3 420 220

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 32 389 280(32%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000

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About PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power

PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power (CVP) is the native token of the PowerPool Protocol. This decentralized network guarantees automatic transaction execution and off-chain computations for DeFi/Web3 applications and individuals. The protocol includes PowerAgent, a decentralized network of Keepers that automates transaction execution based on on-chain and off-chain conditions. PowerPool invented the concept of meta-governance, which involves accumulating governance tokens and issuing another asset that determines how underlying assets will vote in upcoming decisions. CVP serves several functions within the protocol, including staking in PowerAgent nodes, participating in the PowerPool Protocol DAO governance, and protecting the network through the CVP Safety Module.

PowerPool Protocol aims to provide a gas-efficient and permissionless layer for automatic smart contract executions. It supports complex strategies involving high-value tasks and offers different algorithms for Keeper selection, slashing, and reward calculation. The protocol is currently in the R&D phase, exploring the integration of ZK-powered off-chain computations and data input to the execution logic. PowerPool DAO, the organization behind the protocol, develops the PowerAgent smart contract execution layer and promotes network adoption. The DAO has implemented various governance proposals and encourages community participation through its Governance Forum.

CVP token distribution was initially done through a community airdrop for testers and liquidity mining programs. Tokens were distributed to community contributors and liquidity providers, with some reserved for the team and future growth activities. CVP has a market cap of 50 million USD, and its supply is circulated among 36 markets. Holders of CVP can stake their tokens in PowerAgent nodes to ensure network operation, participate in governance decisions, and earn rewards. The token also plays a role in network protection through the CVP Safety Module, which receives protocol fees for safeguarding the network.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power CVP is 0.0342022 USD.
The circulating supply of PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power is 32389280.
The total supply of PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power is 100000000.
The max supply of PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power is 100000000.
Unfortunately the country of PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power is unknown.
PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power reached an all-time-high of 9.294 USD on 26 Sep 2021.
The contract address of PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power is 0x38e4adB44ef08F22F5B5b76A8f0c2d0dCbE7DcA1.

Github Statistics (Development)

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