Layer3 (L3)

Layer3 (L3)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: L3
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$310 428 242

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 507 881 404(15%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 3 333 333 333
Max icon Max: 3 333 333 333

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About Layer3

Layer3 (L3) is positioned as a groundbreaking solution in cryptocurrency, focusing on modular identity and attention to facilitate the omnichain future. It aims to serve various ecosystems, connecting users to an expansive network across multiple chains and streamlining access to essential functionalities. By integrating with trusted ecosystems valued at $100 billion, Layer3 supports the scaling of global adoption, providing a unified platform for users to engage with diverse blockchain networks.

The platform boasts a robust app that acts as a centralized access point, offering continuous incentives for user participation. With over 4 million wallets, 25 different blockchains, and a vast repository of more than 25 million credentials, Layer3 is designed to foster community growth and extensive engagement. Incentives are structured to promote active participation, thus enhancing the user’s experience while creating an environment where ecosystems can thrive together.

Beyond its user-centric design, Layer3 emphasizes the importance of an interoperable identity and amplified incentives to drive community expansion. The platform’s systematic approach to network growth means that each new chain, points program, or airdrop contributes to a larger interconnected community. This ecosystem evolution benefits users by providing access to multichain liquidity and rewards and solidifies Layer3’s position as a premier destination for engagement across the crypto landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Layer3 L3 available.
The circulating supply of Layer3 is 507881404.
The total supply of Layer3 is 3333333333.
The max supply of Layer3 is 3333333333.
Unfortunately the country of Layer3 is unknown.
Layer3 is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
Layer3 reached an all-time-high of USD on .
The contract address of Layer3 is 0x88909D489678dD17aA6D9609F89B0419Bf78FD9a.

Github Statistics (Development)

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