KONAN of Kaspa (KONAN)

KONAN of Kaspa (KONAN)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kaspa
Ticker icon Ticker: KONAN
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company: Konan of Kaspa
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 287 000 000 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 287 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 287 000 000 000

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About KONAN of Kaspa

“$KONAN of Kaspa: The Dog and Hero of Kaspa

$KONAN of Kaspa is a unique meme coin created in honor of a heroic military dog who world leaders have recognized for his extraordinary missions. This token goes beyond traditional cryptocurrency by embodying the values of loyalty, unity, and world peace, with the mission of positively impacting communities across the globe.

What sets $KONAN of Kaspa apart is its 100% Fair Launch and community-driven approach. From day one, the project was designed to ensure equal access for everyone, with no pre-sales, team allocations, or special advantages. The community is at the heart of $KONAN of Kaspa, making all decisions through decentralized governance. This fair and transparent model ensures that every holder is a vital part of the project’s success.

Running on the Kaspa Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchain, $KONAN benefits from fast, secure, and scalable transactions, while staying true to the principles of decentralization. Kaspa’s PoW system guarantees the network is highly secure and energy-efficient while enabling a trustless environment where users can engage without intermediaries. This technological foundation allows $KONAN to focus on growth, innovation, and the well-being of its global community.

More than a financial tool, $KONAN of Kaspa is a symbol of collective strength, inspired by the loyalty and heroism of the dog, which stands at its core. The project envisions uniting people worldwide, fostering collaboration, and promoting global peace. As $KONAN of Kaspa grows, it aims to use its platform to drive meaningful change and inspire others to do the same, creating a better world for all.

With a focus on transparency, community involvement and technological innovation, $KONAN of Kaspa is positioned to not only thrive in the blockchain space but to make a lasting positive impact on a global scale.”

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of KONAN of Kaspa KONAN available.
The circulating supply of KONAN of Kaspa is 287000000000.
The total supply of KONAN of Kaspa is 287000000000.
The max supply of KONAN of Kaspa is 287000000000.
KONAN of Kaspa is a decentralized coin.
KONAN of Kaspa is a token running on the Kaspa blockchain.
The contract address of KONAN of Kaspa is KONAN.

Github Statistics (Development)

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