Vektor Orben (VEKTOR)

Vektor Orben (VEKTOR)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: VEKTOR
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 100 000 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000

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Online icon Online

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VEKTOR to USD Converter

About Vektor Orben

Vektor Orben is the best anti-globalist, patriotic memecoin developed by Hungarian professionals, featuring important messages. It is the first and original Hungarian political memecoin about Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Created by authentic Hungarians, it includes many original, creative, and humorous memes with crucial messages for world peace and insights from Hungary, highlighting what makes Hungarians unique.

There is no other memecoin like this, with no competition related to Viktor Orban—a unique political gem that promotes sovereign, conservative values for patriots.

Many of the world appreciates Orban Viktor’s politics, while the Western globalist forces oppose him. His policies resonate with the Eastern Bloc, as many from the Arab, Asian, African, and South American communities admire his stance on anti-immigration, anti-war, peace, and pro-connectivity. For example, he is known to have strong ties with leaders like Donald Trump. He advocates fadvocatese cooperation worldwide (including initiatives like CPAC, V4, and the New Silk Road project). China’s president visited him in 2024, and Orban has gained respect from Putin and leaders in India, Brazil, and the Arab world. Many international projects and investments are underway in Hungary because of Orban’s politics.

You can easily verify these facts online (more available through non-Western mainstream media).

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Community Building Plans:

We plan to connect with patriotic influencers and sovereign politicians, seeking support from Hungarian government-backed spokespersons, with good progress and existing connections.

We are still in the early stages and on a small scale, even after Elon Musk mentioned us (proof available on our website).

Our initiatives include PPC, email marketing, Telegram, Rumble videos, 9gag, and TruthSocial. We have extensive plans for future developments, such as real-life applicability (e.g., in Hungarian tourism and play-to-earn education), international offline partnerships, and professional enhancements. Our references showcase achievements across multiple domains—websites, video channels, AI automation, CRM systems, online courses, and thousands of content pieces.

Additional information is sent automatically via email within 1-2 hours if you sign up at the bottom of our website, including details about our team, strategies, success stories, and why we aim to reach billions in value over the coming years.



Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Vektor Orben VEKTOR available.
The circulating supply of Vektor Orben is 100000000.
The total supply of Vektor Orben is 100000000.
The max supply of Vektor Orben is 100000000.
Vektor Orben is a decentralized coin.
Vektor Orben is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
Vektor Orben reached an all-time-high of USD on .
The contract address of Vektor Orben is 0xe93a3d9c4f0e7aac998b53aa8c518cfa22b6b2c5.

Github Statistics (Development)

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