Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: EOS
Ticker icon Ticker: EOS
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Company icon Company: Block.one
Proof type icon Proof type: Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS)
Algorithm icon Algorithm: DPoS

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$576 489 634

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 1 151 951 541(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 1 151 951 541
Max icon Max: 1 001 105 792

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About EOS

EOS (EOS) is a highly performant open-source blockchain platform that supports and operates safe, compliant, and predictable digital infrastructures. It offers fast and efficient transaction speeds with a sub-second block time latency rate, making it suitable for mission-critical applications. EOSIO, the underlying technology of EOS, provides a high degree of configurability, allowing the creation and management of programmable architectures. It supports the deployment of public, private, permissioned, or permissionless blockchain infrastructures and enables the implementation of custom governance and business logic through executable smart contracts. With its focus on developer usability, security, and compliance, EOSIO provides a flexible and scalable solution for building on the blockchain.

EOSIO is built to optimize resource management and reduce transaction costs, making digital integration more efficient. It offers superior data integrity through end-to-end authentication, complying with various compliance and regulatory frameworks. Whether you are a blockchain novice or an expert, EOSIO is designed to simplify the onboarding and scalability of projects. It provides access to many products, features, tools, and extensive training courses to help developers grow their skills and build on the blockchain. With its emphasis on flexibility, security, reliability, and a supportive community, EOSIO offers the foundation for turning innovative ideas into reality on the blockchain.

EOS (EOS) is an open-source blockchain platform focusing on performance, configurability, security, and developer usability. Built on the EOSIO technology, EOS offers fast transaction speeds and efficient resource management, making it suitable for mission-critical applications. EOSIO allows for the creation and management of various types of blockchain infrastructures, from public to private and permissioned to permissionless. It also enables the implementation of customized governance and business logic through smart contracts. EOSIO aims to simplify the onboarding and scaling of blockchain projects by providing access to a wide range of tools, features, and training resources. With a strong emphasis on flexibility, security, and a vibrant community, EOS provides a solid foundation for building innovative blockchain solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of EOS EOS is 0.500536 USD.
The circulating supply of EOS is 1151951541.
The total supply of EOS is 1151951541.
The max supply of EOS is 1001105792.
EOS is based in: Cayman Islands.
EOS is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
EOS reached an all-time-high of 22.8904 USD on 29 Apr 2018.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

EOS Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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