LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) (ZWBTC)

LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) (ZWBTC)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Aptos
Ticker icon Ticker: ZWBTC
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos)

LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) (ZWBTC) represents an innovative approach to bridging the WBTC token across different blockchain ecosystems. As a leading project in the cross-chain finance space, ZWBTC facilitates seamless and efficient transactions, taking advantage of Meson Finance’s cutting-edge protocol. With a total volume of $6.865 billion and over 46.345 million transactions recorded, this coin is a testament to the growing adoption and reliance on cross-border decentralized finance solutions.

The Meson protocol, which underpins LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos), dramatically reduces the costs associated with cross-chain transactions, offering savings of more than 80% on traditional fees. Additionally, transactions executed with ZWBTC benefit from rapid processing times, typically completed within 1 to 2 minutes. This focus on efficiency highlights the token’s optimization for stablecoins, ensuring that users can capitalize on lower costs and quicker transactions within the cross-chain market.

Security is paramount for users engaging with LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos). The Meson Protocol implements robust measures for cross-chain transaction safety, utilizing HTLC atomic swaps and independent verification to uphold the integrity of transactions. With thorough audits conducted by top security firms like Trail of Bits, the protocol ensures that participants maintain complete control over their funds, thereby addressing safety concerns head-on and contributing to a more secure cross-chain finance environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) ZWBTC available.
The circulating supply of LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) is unknown
The total supply of LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) is unknown.
The max supply of LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) is unknown.
LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) is a token running on the Aptos blockchain.
The contract address of LayerZero Bridged WBTC (Aptos) is 0XF22BEDE237A07E121B56D91A491EB7BCDFD1F5907926A9E58338F964A01B17FA::ASSET::WBTC.

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