Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Hedera Hashgraph
Ticker icon Ticker: XPACK
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About xPACK

xPACK (XPACK) serves as an integral utility token within the HashPack ecosystem, which acts as a gateway to the world of Hedera decentralized applications (dApps), decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Designed with a community-driven approach, HashPack offers a crypto wallet accessible across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Chrome, facilitating seamless interaction with the expansive Hedera network. Users can stake their PACK tokens to earn rewards, with competitive annual percentage rates (APRs) available for those looking to optimize their assets.

The HashPack wallet simplifies the user experience, allowing individuals to create accounts swiftly, often in under a minute. This accessibility extends to linking with preferred Hedera dApps, where users can explore a variety of blockchain functionalities, such as swapping tokens and participating in a built-in NFT marketplace. By earning PACK tokens with each transaction, users are encouraged to engage more deeply with the Hedera ecosystem, while the secure trading features offered by HashPack ensure trustless peer-to-peer transactions.

Security is a paramount feature of xPACK’s platform. With a non-custodial architecture, user data remains local and encrypted, preventing unauthorized access to funds and private keys. Regular security audits and rigorous testing protocols, including biometric protections and two-factor authentication, bolster the trust and safety of HashPack users. Such measures affirm HashPack’s commitment to creating a secure environment while prioritizing user privacy, allowing users to navigate their web3 adventures with confidence and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of xPACK XPACK available.
The circulating supply of xPACK is unknown
The total supply of xPACK is unknown.
The max supply of xPACK is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of xPACK is unknown.
xPACK is a token running on the Hedera Hashgraph blockchain.
The contract address of xPACK is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000006e86ce.

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