Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kaspa
Ticker icon Ticker: KANGO
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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KANGO (KANGO) is a unique and vibrant cryptocurrency that originated from an imaginative narrative involving a pixelated chameleon who, after a fantastical encounter involving lightning and an ASIC miner, transformed into a symbol of speed within the crypto ecosystem. In just ten days, KANGO has captured the attention and enthusiasm of the KAS community, becoming a viral meme that resonated with many $KAS aficionados. The creation of KANGO is characterized by its 100% fair launch, highlighting a commitment to community involvement and authenticity within the KRC-20 ecosystem.

The development of KANGO is supported by a dedicated team and a passionate community, which plays a crucial role in its ongoing success. The roadmap for KANGO includes aspirations for centralized exchange listings, regular AMAs, and high-quality content creation, all designed to engage and expand upon its growing user base. Furthermore, KANGO aims to collaborate with prominent projects within the blockchain space, fostering a sense of belonging among its holders and establishing a strong presence across various platforms.

KANGO is also set to expand beyond the digital realm, with plans for physical merchandise, limited-edition art pieces, and apparel, all aimed at providing its holders with opportunities for financial freedom. As the ambitions of the KANGO team grow, they are committed to supporting the $KAS ecosystem while promoting decentralization and speed. Future developments include the potential creation of a rogue-like RPG game, which would further engage the community and enhance the overall KANGO experience, exemplifying the project’s dedication to serving the interests of its supporters.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of KANGO KANGO available.
The circulating supply of KANGO is unknown
The total supply of KANGO is unknown.
The max supply of KANGO is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of KANGO is unknown.
KANGO is a token running on the Kaspa blockchain.
The contract address of KANGO is KANGO.

Github Statistics (Development)

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