Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Tron
Ticker icon Ticker: PINO
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 1 000 000 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 1 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

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About Pino TRX

Pino TRX (PINO) is an innovative utility meme token that has emerged within the TRON ecosystem, capturing the interest of both investors and the crypto community. The genesis of Pino, a character resembling a dinosaur, involves a whimsical tale where he inadvertently finds himself in a modern world and discovers a remarkable talent for winemaking. This unexpected twist leads to the creation of his acclaimed “Dino Nior” wine, which quickly turns Pino into a billionaire. His story reflects a blend of creativity and success, emphasizing the dynamic nature of the digital currency market.

The Pino TRX project takes pride in its honest launch on the SunPump platform, which is designed to ensure a fair and secure introduction of new tokens. Totaling a supply of 1 billion tokens, Pino aims to redefine the utility of meme tokens by integrating them into the over-the-counter (OTC) market via a Telegram mini-app. This platform features a bot wallet transaction guarantor designed to provide users a secure trading experience while incorporating a token-burning mechanism to enhance the token’s value over time.

As the project unfolds, Pino TRX has laid out a comprehensive roadmap, including multiple development and expansion phases. Goals include launching an official website, achieving significant market cap milestones, and enhancing community engagement across social media platforms. Furthermore, Pino TRX plans to introduce a dedicated OTC market and list the token on credible exchanges, signaling its commitment to long-term growth and sustainability within the volatile cryptocurrency landscape. This roadmap reflects an adaptive strategy to keep the community informed and engaged with the project’s evolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Pino TRX PINO available.
The circulating supply of Pino TRX is 1000000000.
The total supply of Pino TRX is 1000000000.
The max supply of Pino TRX is 1000000000.
Unfortunately the country of Pino TRX is unknown.
Pino TRX is a token running on the Tron blockchain.
The contract address of Pino TRX is TAbkLGngV1k8bNb5hnqW7oX46FG4Dbs5e2.

Github Statistics (Development)

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