Bodega (BODEGA)


Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Cardano
Ticker icon Ticker: BODEGA
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company: Bodega labs
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:
Old name icon Old name: Bodega

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 20 500 000(82%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 25 000 000
Max icon Max: 25 000 000

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“Bodega (BODEGA) is an innovative prediction market platform that leverages the Cardano blockchain to offer users a unique opportunity to speculate on the outcomes of real-world events. By focusing on foresight and prediction, Bodega aims to revolutionize how individuals engage with events across various domains, including sports, politics, and finance. The platform’s emphasis on security, scalability, and transparency sets it apart, ensuring that participants can confidently make informed predictions.

One of the key features of Bodega is its robust security framework, which harnesses the strength of Cardano’s blockchain technology. Transactions made on this platform are designed to be secure, immutable, and transparent, providing users with peace of mind regarding the safety of their predictions. Additionally, Bodega introduces a decentralized approach to prediction markets, where users can propose and create their markets, subject to governance votes and volume metrics, thereby fostering a community-driven environment.

Utilizing Aiken smart contracts, Bodega automates the settlement of predictions, allowing for accurate and efficient outcomes. USDM, a stablecoin on the Cardano network, further enhances the experience, providing users with a reliable currency for their wagers. Participants can browse various markets, place bets, monitor their predictions in real-time, and enjoy the thrill of automatic payouts once events conclude. Bodega represents a forward-thinking approach to prediction markets, combining cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly interface to offer a dynamic betting experience.”

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of BODEGA BODEGA available.
The circulating supply of BODEGA is 20500000.
The total supply of BODEGA is 25000000.
The max supply of BODEGA is 25000000.
BODEGA is a decentralized coin.
BODEGA is a token running on the Cardano blockchain.
The contract address of BODEGA is 5deab590a137066fef0e56f06ef1b830f21bc5d544661ba570bdd2ae424f44454741.

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