BiJiRi (BJR)

BiJiRi (BJR)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Polygon
Ticker icon Ticker: BJR
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About BiJiRi

BiJiRi (BJR) is a unique project that strives to redefine beauty through art, focusing particularly on the aesthetic appeal of the human body, specifically the hips. The project aims to establish itself as a pioneer in the artistic landscape by discovering and promoting artists, thus launching a new era of beauty appreciation. With an underlying mission to revolutionize the world, BiJiRi emphasizes a modern understanding of beauty that resonates with current cultural trends, including the global fascination with well-defined body features.

The project seeks to build an economic ecosystem centered around the appreciation of hip aesthetics, bolstered by blockchain technology. By creating a platform for Bijiri art, which includes NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), artists are empowered to showcase their work and receive recognition and rewards for their creativity. The issuance of the BJR token plays a crucial role in facilitating transactions within this new economic model, allowing for greater liquidity and market engagement as artists and audiences interact in innovative ways.

The BiJiRi initiative also includes the establishment of organizations and roles that play a key part in fostering a vibrant community around Bijiri art. The Beauty Butt Certification Association and certified professionals within it serve to validate and promote talent, ensuring that high standards are met while nurturing new artists. Through various community-building activities and events, BiJiRi aims to create an interactive space where artists, audiences, and other stakeholders can collaborate, transform perceptions of beauty, and contribute to the overall growth of the artistic economy.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of BiJiRi BJR available.
The circulating supply of BiJiRi is unknown
The total supply of BiJiRi is unknown.
The max supply of BiJiRi is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of BiJiRi is unknown.
BiJiRi is a token running on the Polygon blockchain.
The contract address of BiJiRi is 0xa79178574dC455Dbdc846166939b686B41164758.

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