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Best Shitcoin Ever (BSE)

Best Shitcoin Ever (BSE)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: BSE
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

$214 849 825

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 888 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 888 000 000 000

Blockchain Explorers


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Offline icon Inactive

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Best Shitcoin Ever Price Chart

BSE to USD Converter

About Best Shitcoin Ever

Best Shitcoin Ever (BSE) is an advertising platform for crypto projects. Earners on the platform are rewarded with BSE for viewing ads and completing tasks, such as participating in social media activities. Advertisers benefit from real visitors from their target audience. BSE is the in-house token used for transactions on the platform, and earners receive a significant percentage of it as their reward. With BSE, earners can book ads, get referrals, and earn commissions, or they can pay out their earned tokens to their wallets and automatically receive Holder Rewards. BSE tokens can also be exchanged for BNB on Pancake Swap.

Best Shitcoin Ever (BSE) operates on the Binance network and follows the new standard of DeFi Tokenomics. It is a hyperdeflationary BuyBack token with a fee of 11% charged on each transaction. The fee is divided for Holder Rewards, BSE BuyBack, and marketing purposes. The maximum token amount is capped at 888,000,000,000 BSE. When BSE is exchanged for another currency, a smart contract automatically repurchases and burns it, reducing the overall token supply. The distribution of fees includes 4% for Holder Rewards, providing passive income to token holders, 4% for BSE BuyBack to stabilize the token price, and 3% for marketing purposes to promote the platform.

BSE World offers different AdPacks for advertisers and networkers to promote their products and services. Advertisers can pay for real visitors, members, or customers, making their promotions more effective. The ROI on AdPacks is attractive, and they also provide cashback rewards. The platform has received positive feedback from users who appreciate its user-friendly interface and the earning opportunities it provides. With its innovative features and growth potential, Best Shitcoin Ever aims to be a successful platform for both earners and advertisers in the cryptocurrency space.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Best Shitcoin Ever BSE available.
The circulating supply of Best Shitcoin Ever is unknown
The total supply of Best Shitcoin Ever is 888000000000.
The max supply of Best Shitcoin Ever is 888000000000.
Best Shitcoin Ever is a decentralized coin.
Best Shitcoin Ever is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
Best Shitcoin Ever reached an all-time-high of 0 USD on 1 Jan 1970.
The contract address of Best Shitcoin Ever is 0xD3B7bB7F0b46fc0FcD4cBdbeD7672FcA94AB021a.

Github Statistics (Development)

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