Kotia (KOT)

Kotia (KOT)

Coin Information

Flag of Italy Italy (IT)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kotia
Ticker icon Ticker: KOT
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Company icon Company: kotia
Block time (sec) icon Block time (sec): 120
Proof type icon Proof type: Proof of Stake (PoS)
Algorithm icon Algorithm: Scrypt

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: Infinite
Max icon Max: Infinite

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About Kotia

Kotia Cash: Empowering Your Financial Independence

Kotia Cash is not just a cryptocurrency; it’s a revolutionary approach to financial freedom, putting your rights, protection, and funds back into your hands. In a world dominated by centralized financial systems, Kotia Cash is a beacon of decentralization, ensuring that no single entity controls your digital assets. By running the Kotia Cash software, you become integral to its existence, functionality, and value.

Key Benefits:

  1. High Security, Cloud-Based Transactions: Kotia Cash is designed to deliver a secure, cloud-based transaction experience. We prioritize the safety of your digital assets, implementing robust security measures to safeguard your transactions.
  2. Fast Peer-to-Peer Transfers of Kot Tokens: Experience the speed of peer-to-peer transfers with Kotia Cash. Swift and efficient transactions make sending and receiving Kot tokens globally easy, putting you in control of your funds.
  3. User-Friendly for Crypto Adopters: Kotia Cash offers the path of least resistance for cryptocurrency adopters. Whether you’re new to the crypto space or an experienced user, our platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to seamlessly utilize Kotia Cash and other cryptocurrencies.
  4. Mainstream Adoption Through Viable Utility: We believe in fostering mainstream adoption by providing tangible utility. Kotia Cash goes beyond being a speculative asset, offering real-world use cases contributing to its widespread acceptance.

Secure, P2P, Pure PoS (After Block 1M), Mining Rewards:

  • Secure: Our commitment to security is paramount, ensuring a safe environment for all transactions.
  • P2P: Enjoy the benefits of peer-to-peer transactions, making it easy to transfer Kot tokens globally.
  • Pure PoS (After Block 1M): Transitioning to a Pure Proof of Stake mechanism after the first million blocks ensures a sustainable and energy-efficient network.
  • Mining Rewards: Be rewarded for contributing to the network’s security and functionality.

How It Works:

  1. Download Wallet: Begin your journey with Kotia Cash by downloading our secure wallet, providing you with a personalized digital vault for your assets.
  2. Connect to Network: Connect seamlessly to the Kotia Cash network, gaining access to a decentralized ecosystem that values your financial independence.
  3. Acquire Kot Coins on Exbitron: Exchange your traditional currency for Kot coins on Exbitron, taking the first step towards participating in the decentralized financial landscape.

Technical Details:

  • Algorithm: Scrypt Proof of Work and Proof of Stake
  • Coin Name: Kotia
  • Coin Abbreviation: KOT
  • Block Reward: 100 coins
  • Block Reward (PoS): 20 coins
  • Premine: 100,000 coins
  • Website URL: https://kotia.cash
  • GitHub URL: https://github.com/kotiacash

Join the Kotia Cash community on GitHub, Telegram, and Discord, and embrace the future of decentralized finance with Kotia Cash. Your financial independence starts here.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Kotia KOT is 0.0000999088 USD.
The circulating supply of Kotia is unknown
Kotia (KOT) has an infinite supply.
Kotia (KOT) has an infinite supply.
Kotia is based in: Italy.
Kotia is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Kotia reached an all-time-high of 0.0189129 USD on 1 Dec 2021.

Github Statistics (Development)

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