Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Radix
Ticker icon Ticker: DOGECUBE
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 8 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 8 000 000 000

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About DogeCube

DogeCube (DOGE) is a 3-headed INU coin created to celebrate RADIX founder Dan Hughes and the revolutionary DLT protocol Cerberus. With a fixed supply of 8 billion tokens, DogeCube aims to enlighten market participants about Radix, foster fun events, create new crypto connections, and help navigate the ecosystem. The tokens were distributed for free to community members participating in weekly memebrawls events, encouraging creative and quality content. DogeCube’s community-driven approach ensures fair distribution and mitigates the risk of concentration of token ownership.

As a DogeCube token holder, users are part of the DogeCube community, with the opportunity to stake tokens and have voting rights on the governance of the DogeCube DAO INDEX. The DogeCube INDEX tracks top Radix projects’ performance, giving holders a say in project integration and decision-making regarding the use of trading fees. DogeCube offers various wallet options for holding and managing tokens, which can be acquired through automatic swappers or centralized exchanges. With its unique features and strong community, DogeCube is more than just a memecoin, serving as Radix’s cute INU ambassador.

DogeCube is also actively involved in the Radix network validation process, being a proud member of the top 100 nodes. Staking DogeCube tokens through the official Radix Desktop Wallet contributes to Radix network security and offers rewards such as XRD staking rewards, partnerships with free airdrops, VIP access to the DogeCube ecosystem, and more. The project has a clear roadmap, with milestones including the minting and trading of the DOGECUBE NFT collection, establishing the DogeCube INDEX, and ongoing community initiatives. The adventures of Cerby, the small DogeCube, can also be followed through the manga series, adding a creative and engaging element to the project.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of DogeCube DOGECUBE is 0.0000601598 USD.
The circulating supply of DogeCube is unknown
The total supply of DogeCube is 8000000000.
The max supply of DogeCube is 8000000000.
DogeCube is a decentralized coin.
DogeCube is a token running on the Radix blockchain.
DogeCube reached an all-time-high of 0.000780741 USD on 15 Mar 2024.
The contract address of DogeCube is af07bbbe53ddb2054b73c9f5bc401be38ed98b643a120e21a6d8d3b4d1f2f790.

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