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Teddy Doge (TEDDY)

Teddy Doge (TEDDY)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: TEDDY
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 14 987 567 877
Max icon Max: 14 987 567 877

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Teddy Doge Price Chart

TEDDY to USD Converter

About Teddy Doge

Teddy Doge (TEDDY) is a multifunctional token that offers a wide range of features and services. It is a one-stop decentralized exchange that integrates various functions such as transaction, exchange, farming, wallet, and chart systems. This makes Teddy Doge a versatile and comprehensive platform for users to engage in decentralized finance activities. The exchange supports transactions on 15 mainstream chains, including cross-chain functionalities, and provides liquidity solutions and token-locking schemes. Additionally, Teddy Doge introduces TeddyWallet and derivatives to enhance the user experience further.

With a total issuance of 15 billion tokens, Teddy Doge has allocated 9 billion for the liquidity of the decentralized exchange (DEX). There are also private placements amounting to 2 billion tokens, with a lock-up period of 30-90 days and address announcements. The team holds 2.8 billion tokens, and the addresses will be disclosed. Furthermore, the community has received 500 million tokens for its 1st and 2nd IDO funds, with respective issue prices of 0.0002$ and 0.0005$. Additionally, 500 million tokens are allocated for farming staking bonuses, with 500,000 tokens automatically injected into the farm reward every day for 1000 days.

The contract address for Teddy Doge on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is 0xdb79c12d1d0670988a39b0e48b96e955ef922d24. The token contract transaction tax is set at 10%, with 5% allocated to the marketing wallet for promotional purposes on traffic websites like cmc dextools. Another 3% is used to replenish the LP liquidity on PancakeSwap, while 1% is dedicated to the project itself. Teddy Doge has an extensive roadmap includes expansion to various exchanges, both centralized (CEX) and decentralized (DEX), showcasing its commitment to growth and market accessibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Teddy Doge TEDDY available.
The circulating supply of Teddy Doge is unknown
The total supply of Teddy Doge is 14987567877.
The max supply of Teddy Doge is 14987567877.
Unfortunately the country of Teddy Doge is unknown.
Teddy Doge is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
Teddy Doge reached an all-time-high of 0 USD on 1 Jan 1970.
The contract address of Teddy Doge is 0x10f6f2b97f3ab29583d9d38babf2994df7220c21.

Github Statistics (Development)

TEDDY Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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