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Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: ROG
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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Fully Diluted Valuation

$50 059 402

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 200 000 000
Max icon Max: 200 000 000

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About ROGin AI

ROGin AI (ROG) is a next-generation quantitative platform designed for global users, focusing on developing the financial economy of multi-asset management. The platform provides access to the financial marketplace through the AI-based ROGin AI Metaverse Platform. With the REGO system, ROGin AI aims to equip everyone with an equal opportunity to easily manage their financial products and make investment decisions within the expected risk range. REGO generates investment plans based on algorithms that aim for stable profit and emphasize risk management. The platform also offers various financial services, including crypto exchange, brokerage, trading platform, investment strategy, and metaverse services, which can be accessed using the ROG token.

ROGin AI introduces a sustainable ecosystem where token holders can benefit from a stable investment platform. The ROG token is essential for the platform’s growth, as it is used as a mode of payment for freemium services and helps maintain a stable market environment. The platform also features an NFT marketplace, allowing qualified algorithm traders to issue and sell their NFTs. NFT buyers can earn royalties from the traders, creating additional opportunities for economic growth. ROGin AI is committed to providing durable and secure investment strategies, stable token prices through token staking, and a two-way communication platform in the metaverse community.

ROGin AI is an advanced profit distribution system that aims to bring sustainable economic growth. The platform offers decentralized applications with a distributed database and provides finance-related services such as a trading platform and professionally qualified and tested investment solutions. The team behind ROGin AI consists of highly skilled and determined professionals from diverse backgrounds, including fund management, quant development, marketing, and R&D. The platform has a roadmap to bring 100 million new retail investors to crypto by eliminating fiat obstacles and plans to expand its licenses to countries like the UK and Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of ROGin AI ROG is 0.250628 USD.
The circulating supply of ROGin AI is unknown
The total supply of ROGin AI is 200000000.
The max supply of ROGin AI is 200000000.
Unfortunately the country of ROGin AI is unknown.
ROGin AI is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
ROGin AI reached an all-time-high of 0.53371 USD on 18 Aug 2024.
The contract address of ROGin AI is 0x5d43b66da68706d39f6c97f7f1415615672b446b.

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