TomoChain (TOMO)

TomoChain (TOMO)

Coin Information

Flag of Singapore Singapore (SG)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: TOMO
Type icon Type: Token
Algorithm icon Algorithm: PoSV
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$37 472 383

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 101 977 152(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 101 977 152
Max icon Max: 101 977 152

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About TomoChain

TomoChain (TOMO) is a highly scalable and secure blockchain network that has been live on the mainnet since 2018. It takes a community-driven approach to accelerate the mass adoption of web3 applications. The network supports 2,000 transactions per second (TPS) and has a fast blocktime of 2 seconds, ensuring quick and efficient transactions. With near-zero fees, users can make thousands of transactions for as little as less than $1. The blockchain is secured by a decentralized masternode network with a built-in randomization mechanism, providing an extra layer of safety.

TomoChain is powered by the community, allowing everyone to have a say in the development and partnerships of the network through TomoMasterDAO. This approach fosters inclusivity and decentralization in decision-making processes. The network also incentivizes masternodes, ensuring the security and stability of the blockchain. With a rapidly growing ecosystem, TomoChain offers a supportive environment for builders, providing the necessary tools, support, financing, networking, and marketing assistance. It is an efficient and fast-growing blockchain ecosystem that aims to drive mass adoption.

Builders can easily leverage the TomoChain ecosystem to scale their projects. The platform is compatible with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), allowing developers to migrate their dApps seamlessly from Ethereum. TomoChain offers developer tools and step-by-step tutorials to simplify the building process. The network also provides comprehensive support, including technology assistance, financing, networking, consultancy, listing, marketing, and more. With a focus on empowering builders, TomoChain aims to be the go-to blockchain network for all developers, providing a reliable and efficient platform for their projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of TomoChain TOMO is 0.357228 USD.
The circulating supply of TomoChain is 101977152.
The total supply of TomoChain is 101977152.
The max supply of TomoChain is 101977152.
TomoChain is based in: Singapore.
TomoChain is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
TomoChain reached an all-time-high of 3.9092 USD on 6 Sep 2021.
The contract address of TomoChain is 0x8b353021189375591723e7384262f45709a3c3dc.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

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