Safemoon V2 (SFM)

Safemoon V2 (SFM)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Safemoon V2
Ticker icon Ticker: SFM
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$33 771 921

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 562 993 000 000(56%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 1 000 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000 000

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Safemoon V2 Price Chart

SFM to USD Converter

About Safemoon V2

Safemoon V2, with ticker SFM, is a community-focused DeFi token that forms part of the expanding SafeMoon ecosystem. The token operates on the SafeMoon Protocol V2 and offers a range of features to its holders. During each trade, four simple functions occur, including redistribution to existing holders, acquisition of liquidity, token burn, and growth fund expansion. These mechanisms ensure the token remains community-focused and fair.

The Safemoon V2 team is deeply connected to and driven by their award-winning community known as the SafeMoon Army. They strive to innovate for good and are committed to expanding blockchain technologies for a brighter future. By building various blockchain, commerce, metaverse, and NFT products, they aim to derive new forms of value from crypto technology and apply it for increasingly better use.

In addition to their community focus, Safemoon V2 embraces transparency and collaboration. The development team has burned all their tokens and participated on the same terms as everyone else, demonstrating their commitment to fairness. By automatically generating liquidity with every trade and providing passive rewards through static reflection, Safemoon V2 aims to create a sustainable and rewarding ecosystem for its holders. With the upcoming SafeMoon Exchange, they plan to revolutionize tokenomics in the crypto industry, bringing their innovative concept of Cryptonomics to the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Safemoon V2 SFM is 0.0000337765 USD.
The circulating supply of Safemoon V2 is 562993000000.
The total supply of Safemoon V2 is 1000000000000.
The max supply of Safemoon V2 is 1000000000000.
Unfortunately the country of Safemoon V2 is unknown.
Safemoon V2 is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Safemoon V2 reached an all-time-high of 0.00785092 USD on 9 Mar 2022.

Github Statistics (Development)

SFM Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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