WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) (WMATIC.P)

WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) (WMATIC.P)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Tezos
Ticker icon Ticker: WMATIC.P
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About WMATIC (Plenty Bridge)

WMATIC (Plenty Bridge), with ticker WMATIC.P, is a decentralized trading coin built on the Tezos blockchain. It offers users a seamless trading experience, allowing them to trade, earn, govern, and build on the leading decentralized exchange on Tezos. With over 250 million in trade volume and 135 million in bridge volume, WMATIC.P aims to provide liquidity, stake, and vote to maximize rewards in the Plenty protocol. The platform features stable, volatile liquidity pools, enabling near-zero slippage trades on uncorrelated and tightly correlated assets.

One of the key features of WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is its protocol for protocols. Voters can claim trading fees and bribes from the liquidity pools they have voted for while also earning emissions, trading fees, and bribes. Users can participate by providing liquidity, staking, and voting, maximizing their rewards within the Plenty protocol. The coin also allows users to easily deploy new stable and volatile pools, vote for pools to increase rewards, and add bribes to attract more votes.

WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is part of the ever-growing decentralized finance ecosystem on Tezos. It offers a range of opportunities for users, such as the ability to easily trade veNFT locks, swap Plenty and Wrap Protocol tokens for the new token PLY, and bridge from Ethereum and Polygon to Tezos. The coin also provides extensive documentation for users who want to learn more about its vote escrow architecture. By participating in the Plenty ecosystem, users can grow their crypto assets on Tezos by earning trading fees, bribes, and protocol emissions through voting and staking.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) WMATIC.P available.
The circulating supply of WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is unknown
The total supply of WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is unknown.
The max supply of WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is unknown.
WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is a decentralized coin.
WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is a token running on the Tezos blockchain.
The contract address of WMATIC (Plenty Bridge) is KT1CNyTPmBJ5hcqDPbPkFtoe76LifXyHUvqc.

Github Statistics (Development)

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