Quantoz EURD (EURD)

Quantoz EURD (EURD)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Algorand
Ticker icon Ticker: EURD
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 10 550 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 10 550 000 000 000

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About Quantoz EURD

Quantoz EURD, also known as the Quantoz digital euro, is a regulated and programmable E-Money Token. It is fully backed by the euro and is managed by the Quantoz Foundation. This digital currency operates on a trusted bank account and is prudentially supervised by the Dutch Central Bank under an Electronic Money Institution license. This allows Quantoz Payments to issue regulated digital euros on the blockchain.

As a regulated and programmable digital euro, EURD offers efficient and compliant settlement of payments. It was specifically designed to meet the requirements of emerging business models such as the Internet of Things, DeFi, and Web3. EURD provides a blockchain-based regulated e-money payment rail, making integrating with existing financial technology easy. It also complies with the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation, ensuring a closed-loop ecosystem of exclusively white-listed wallets and tokens.

EURD enables peer-to-peer payments between consumers, businesses, and devices, increasing financial inclusion and democratizing finance. Quantoz Payments handles the blockchain transaction fees, making it convenient for users. Additionally, users can build EURD applications using Quantoz Payments’ APIs. The open-source code for the Quantoz Payments App is also available on Github, allowing developers to contribute to its development.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Quantoz EURD EURD available.
The circulating supply of Quantoz EURD is unknown
The total supply of Quantoz EURD is 10550000000000.
The max supply of Quantoz EURD is 10550000000000.
Unfortunately the country of Quantoz EURD is unknown.
Quantoz EURD is a token running on the Algorand blockchain.
The contract address of Quantoz EURD is 1221682136.

Github Statistics (Development)

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