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20EX (20EX)

20EX (20EX)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Bitcoin (BRC20)
Ticker icon Ticker: 20EX
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 21 000 000
Max icon Max: 21 000 000

Blockchain Explorers


Website icon
Offline icon Inactive

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Social Media & News

X icon X (Twitter)

20EX Price Chart

20EX to USD Converter

About 20EX

20EX (20EX) is a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem that facilitates various digital assets and enhances user experience. This platform includes a LaunchPad, cross-chain bridges, a Layer2 solution, and a multi-chain exchange. By supporting BRC20/RUNE tokens and utilizing UTXO-mode bridges, 20EX ensures asset security and decentralization. The innovative Layer2 infrastructure addresses BTC data silos, showcasing the project’s commitment to advancing blockchain technology.

The Inscription and Rune LaunchPad represent a key feature of 20EX, offering support for various fundraising models such as Fair Launch and IDO modes, which cater to varying user needs and project requirements. The UTXO-mode Cross-chain Bridge is another significant aspect, as it allows for the secure migration of assets from Bitcoin to the 20EX Layer2 system. This bridge emphasizes decentralized asset movement, distinguishing itself from traditional cross-chain approaches that rely heavily on staking mechanisms.

Unlike most liquid digital asset trading platforms, 20EX is focused on developing a multi-chain trading infrastructure encompassing ecosystems, wallets, and identity verification mechanisms. By prototyping cross-chain asset transfers, trading via atomic swaps, and integrating with major blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, 20EX aims to create a seamless user experience. The project’s ambition is driven by a team of experienced developers from Bitcoin and Ethereum backgrounds, poised to eliminate barriers in the digital financial ecosystem and foster extensive industry development.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of 20EX 20EX available.
The circulating supply of 20EX is unknown
The total supply of 20EX is 21000000.
The max supply of 20EX is 21000000.
Unfortunately the country of 20EX is unknown.
20EX is a token running on the Bitcoin (BRC20) blockchain.
The contract address of 20EX is 20EX.

Github Statistics (Development)

20EX Markets on Crypto Exchanges

X Feed (Twitter)


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