Aleph Zero (AZERO)

Aleph Zero (AZERO)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Aleph Zero
Ticker icon Ticker: AZERO
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$43 718 501

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 315 409 275(87%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 362 265 897

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About Aleph Zero

Aleph Zero (AZERO) is an enterprise-grade public blockchain offering privacy and security. As a layer one privacy-enhancing blockchain, Aleph Zero ensures scalability, low transaction fees, instant finality, and optimal security. It utilizes a unique combination of the AlephBFT consensus protocol and ink!, a Rust-based WASM programming environment, to provide fast and efficient blockchain solutions. With its flexible environment, Aleph Zero has gained initial adoption within the developer community, making it an attractive choice for builders familiar with Rust and the Substrate stack.

Aleph Zero offers a range of features and use cases, including deploying applications, stake validation, nomination for network scaling, and exploring the ecosystem. It bridges the gap between scalability, security, developer friendliness, and cost of use and aims to balance transparency and privacy. With its native privacy stack, Aleph Zero enables builders to create transparent and privacy-focused solutions. It also prioritizes environmental sustainability, striving to minimize its carbon footprint.

To support the development and growth of the Aleph Zero ecosystem, the project has introduced the Ecosystem Funding Program. This program provides funding and support for builders and developers creating applications and tools on top of Aleph Zero. The program encourages innovation and collaboration within the community, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of builders and users. With a strong community of over 100,000 people, Aleph Zero offers a range of educational activities and resources to get involved in the project’s ongoing development.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Aleph Zero AZERO is 0.120681 USD.
The circulating supply of Aleph Zero is 315409275.
The total supply of Aleph Zero is 362265897.
The max supply of Aleph Zero is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Aleph Zero is unknown.
Aleph Zero is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Aleph Zero reached an all-time-high of 3.10413 USD on 14 Apr 2022.

Github Statistics (Development)

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