Alephium (ALPH)

Alephium (ALPH)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Alephium
Ticker icon Ticker: ALPH
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Block time (sec) icon Block time (sec): 64
Proof type icon Proof type: Proof of Less Work (PoLW)
Algorithm icon Algorithm: Blake3

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$291 173 041

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 35 232 687(4%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 1 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

Blockchain Explorers

Alephium Price Chart

ALPH to USD Converter

About Alephium

“Alephium is the first live Layer 1 sharded blockchain scaling and improving on Bitcoin core technologies, Proof of Work & UTXO. It delivers a highly performant, secure DeFi & and Dapps platform with enhanced energy efficiency.

To learn more about Alephium, get in touch on Discord or Telegram, contribute on GitHub, follow us on Twitter or read us on Medium ! Or discover Alephium in 5?!

It is programmable & secure. Alephium proposes a stateful UTXO model offering layer-1 scalability and the same level of programmability as the account model implemented on ETH, while being more secure.

It is less energy consuming thanks to POLW. Proof of Less Work combines physical work and Coin economics to adjust the work required to mine new blocks dynamically. Given the same network conditions, Alephium only uses? The energy compared to Bitcoin.

It improves on chain structure with its custom VM (Fi-VM).  It resolves many of the critical issues of the current dApps platforms with huge improvements on security, development experience and introductions of new paradigms such as trustless P2P smart contracts transactions.

It has its programming language for dApps. Fi-Lang is similar to the Rust syntax. It allows us to build efficient and secure smart contracts more easily than Solidit. It is specifically designed to facilitate the creation of Decentralized Finance applications, hence its name.”

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Alephium ALPH is 0.292365 USD.
The circulating supply of Alephium is 35232687.
The total supply of Alephium is 1000000000.
The max supply of Alephium is 1000000000.
Alephium is a decentralized coin.
Alephium is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Alephium reached an all-time-high of 3.84843 USD on 27 Feb 2024.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

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