Angola (AGLA)

Angola (AGLA)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Angola
Ticker icon Ticker: AGLA
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

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Circ icon Circ.: 475 449 984Question Mark Icon

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About Angola

Angola (AGLA) is a blockchain-based infrastructure aimed at improving the profit distribution structure of the existing digital asset market. As an integrated NFT project, it operates through the Candy Camera app, which has over 250 million downloads worldwide. Users can freely take photos and convert them into NFTs, which can be traded on the marketplace. Angola strives to lead the popularization of NFTs and plans to form partnerships with more image and art partners in the future.

With Angola, users can mint NFTs by using the NFT camera or publishing pictures from their gallery. They can also breed NFT cameras to create new camera boxes. The platform offers various trade opportunities for NFT cameras and NFT photos obtained through in-app activities. Users can make money by participating in challenges and voting for their favorite entries. Winning entries receive prizes and have the potential for high-value recognition.

The roadmap for Angola includes the development of an NFT marketplace and community, introducing camera minting services, and launching rental services for NFT cameras. The platform aims to stabilize and upgrade its services and act as a communication channel for users to experience NFTs through daily content. Angola is committed to accelerating the popularization of NFTs and providing users with a seamless NFT experience through its integrated platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Angola AGLA is 0.000703553 USD.
The circulating supply of Angola is 475449984.
The total supply of Angola is unknown.
The max supply of Angola is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Angola is unknown.
Angola is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Angola reached an all-time-high of 0.470292 USD on 9 Feb 2023.

Github Statistics (Development)

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